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Direct Speech and Indirect Speech (II): requests and commands Unit 2 Grammar 涛淘乙签韭薄赘瞎蚊垦遇清放餐满株痞殴囚舞泅瀑西藏家估漂讽轧就矛绕必修一unit2Grammar(1必修一unit2Grammar(1 Tom said that he didn’t like swimming. Tom said, “I don’t like swimming.” Rewrite the sentences in indirect speech. 抗柳脱黍熔札君只教儿腾盖义举呕晃化秆矛译颐铁钩瞒抱怠轴岁保病鼎娇必修一unit2Grammar(1必修一unit2Grammar(1 He asks, “Do you like the book Harry Potter?” He asks me whether I like the book Harry Potter. 缴坛问铣让沉庸多菏仆岛馁萌绿柴呻逼褥酶蒂葫镭壤雨雅弯鸟乏元土掷电必修一unit2Grammar(1必修一unit2Grammar(1 John said to me, “Please open the window.” John asked me to open the window. 碳幌擅叮畸反银碍裴揉调徊冈悠撵渗修揖逼滴搞猎数俘池谢退入转华麻梦必修一unit2Grammar(1必修一unit2Grammar(1 “Make sure the door is open,” the teacher said to me. “Don’t play games in the classroom,” the monitor said to us. “Don’t smoke here, please!” she said. 下面的句子都是直接引语为祈使句, 如何把这些句子转化成间接引语呢? 脊慷册抄努氯苗亩决鉴桌噶抱鉴搐笆根盖躯掌冕唾撞几钎驼轮狞播俘景靶必修一unit2Grammar(1必修一unit2Grammar(1 直接引语为祈使句 直接引语是表示命令、要求、请求的 祈使句的变化。 The hostess said to us, “Please sit down.” The hostess asked us to sit down. 将祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式 根据句子的意思在不定式前加tell, ask, order等动词。 矗刚默善遵良荣撅围溅继州粮居晰笨实柠昼吞览侵吹剿寺妇邀篙沧春潍桑必修一unit2Grammar(1必修一unit2Grammar(1 Open your books. Please open your books. Can you open your books please? Could/Would you please open your books? command request (polite) request (polite) request (polite) Request and command 椰善称遥襟庶悠牡怎亚弯勉榜耘人碳陶塔曲炯帽助级无馋掘旱化渗糠锰吏必修一unit2Grammar(1必修一unit2Grammar(1 “Open the window,” the teacher said to the students . (command) The teacher told the students to open the window. 对比下列句子。他们有什么区别呢? “Open the window, please,” the teacher said to the students. (request) The teacher asked the students to open the window. 睹嚎桃生耪灾斡离掣戒筹蔽辉巨偏希惟嚣质找喝笺间开咆斗滇欣诫卑俘渴必修一unit2Grammar(1必修一unit2Grammar(1 “Don’t open the window,” the teacher said to the students. The teacher told the students not to open the window. (command) “Don’t open the window, please,” the teacher said to the students. The teacher asked the students not to open the window. (request) 误线翁演检吝目墩倒迭衷莹皇劝离炯斌丈藻涧窝湛弓小任镑胰么走烤亦寡必


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