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Unit 1 一 主格人称代词练习 (I我 you你 you你们 we我们 they他们 he他 she她 it它) 单数 复数 第一人称 ____I________ _____we_____ 第二人称 _____you____ ____you_______ 第三人称 ____she he it_________ ____they________ 二 用am, is, are填空 I __am____ a girl. We _are_____ friends. They are______ Ben and Roy. My father _is_____ a teacher. May and Jill _are____ sisters. My teacher _is_____ a woman. She __is____ my mother. The dog _is_____ black. The dogs _are_____ black. 10 He _is___ my brother. 三 用(what什么 where哪里 why为什么 when什么时候)填空 1 _what___ is this? This is a cat. 2 where_____ are you going? I am going to Beijing. 3 _when____ do you go to school? I go to school at 7:00. 4 _why____ do you like the apple? Because it is sweet. 四 辨音练习 1 (A) A same B cap C map D cat 2 (D) A what B watch C wash D game 3 (D ) A grass B after C glass D make 4 (A ) A these B bed C pet D elephant 5 (C ) A he B me C pen D these 6 (C ) A bike B like C lip D nine 五 词组 1 do one’s homework ____做某人的家庭作业___ Unit2 It’s a goat. 一 对话练习(which哪一个 who谁 whose谁的) which__ one do you like, the apple or the banana? I like the apple. _who____ is your friend? Jack is my friend. _whose__ book is it? It is my book. 二 辨音练习 (C ) A nose B note C nod D hope (D ) A open B rose C only D nod 三 用a/an填空 _an_ apple _a__book _an___ ice-cream __a__ pen _an____ orange _a__ cat _an___ egg _an_ umbrella _an_ elephant _an__eraser _a___bag a___ dog 四 名词单数变复数 book-books____ mango--mangos___ pen--pens potato--_potatos_ penny--_pence____ ox--oxen___ deer--_deer__ apple--apples_ radio--radios_ banana--_bananas__ box--_boxes____ bus--buses_ brush--brushes___ watc


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