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静海七中英语教学设计 教学内容 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible. 课型 听说课 年级 八年级(上) 教师 田蓉蓉 教学目标 Help the students to understand the dialogue about English Study , talk about the good ways to learn English. and help them use the ways of giving advice to express their ideas, through the activities in class, the students can open their mind and practice their ability of listening and speaking. 教学重点 Vocabulary and the ways of giving advice (We/You should…Let’s try to…Why not…? It’s a good idea to…How about…? Why don’t we/you…? It’s better not to…) 教学难点 Enable the students to get familiar with the structure-expressing their advice or plan. 教 学 方 法 Communicative method and task-based teaching approach. The students are trying to solve the problems in class, they are thinking, listening, speaking, and writing. 教学用具 Multi-media computer 教学程序 师生活动 设计意图 Warming-up Before the class, listen and sing a song “do re mi 课前激趣,引发学生的积极思维,在不知不觉中为新课做铺垫。 Step One: lead in Show some pictures and have a free talk with the students about their activities on Sunday. Then lead in the new structure and practise. 复习巩固be going to,直接引出will do 也可表达将来时。在知识层面起到承上启下的作用。 Step Two: Presentation 1. learn the words. 用所学单词操练句型,加深学生对单词和句型的认识。 2.Listen to the material and finish activity 2 带着问题练习听力,训练捕捉有效信息的能力。 3. Listen to Act 3 and answer the question. 初步感知对话内容。 Step Three: Reading 1. Read the dialogue and check Ss’ ideas about the future. 学生自主找出并解决语言点,使学生能够自主学习。 2. Practise reading the dialogue and find the phrases. 3. Read the dialogue in different methods. 在课上充分给足学生说英语的机会。通过多读加强语言的有效输入 Step Four: Summary 1. Sum up what they have learnt in this class。 2. Give my big prizepredict your future 学生自己总结,梳理课上所学内容,建立知识框架,并把所学知识进行拓展。 Step Six: Homework (作业布置) 1. Read the dialogue in groups. 2. Copy the words and phrases. 3. Write five sentences about what your school will be like in the future. 对课上所学语言知识加深巩固,拓展语言表达能力。 发挥学生的想象力和创造力,提高


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