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Lesson 32: Unit Review 单元复习 ◆课文英汉对照The experiment _________that the force of the air can keep the water in the jar。 这个试验_________空气的力量能托住瓶子里的水。 2. The teacher will_________ the class on everything they have learned this term.. 老师将_________全班同学关于他们本学期学过的所有知识。 3. We have _________ that cardboard can hold the water in. 我们已经_________卡片能把水托在里面。 4. These Western foods _________ great. 这些西餐__________很好。 5. On Easter, Danny _________ the colored eggs behind the trees. 在复活节,丹尼_________彩蛋在树后。 6. I need some matches to _________ the candle. 我需要一些火柴去_________蜡烛。 答案链接: 1.proves 2.examine 3.discovered 4.taste 5.hid 6.light B. Find the proper words in this unit.从本单元中找出合适的词填空。 1. Look at something or someone carefully:很认真的看某人某物:_________ 2. Show or tell what something means:展示或告诉某事物的意思:_________ 3. Put different things together:把不同的东西放在一起:_________ 4. A round dish:一个圆的盘子:_________ 5. Find something that was not known before:发现以前不为人知的东西:__________ 答案链接: 1.observe 2.explain 3.mix 4.hide 5.plate 6.discover C. Fill in the blank with the proper word. The first letter is given. 用合适的单词填空,首字母已给出。 1. An e_______ shows what happens. 一个________展示发生了什么。 2. Please f_______ the bottle with water.请________瓶子用水。 3. We are s_______ at the news.我们________这个消息。 4. To make a candle b_______, you light it.为了让一根蜡烛________,你要点燃它。 5. If you a_______ four and five, you get nine.如果你_______4和5,你会得到9. 6. A h_______ is a female chicken.一只________是雌小鸡。 7. The bottle is f_______ of water.这瓶子________水。 8. Water is a l_______, but you can change it into solid.水是______,但是你可以把它变成固体。 9. Gold is s_______, but when you heat it, it becomes liquid. 金子是_______,但当你加热它,它会变成液体。 10. The big fire b_______ down the building. Luckily no lives were lost. 大火_______建筑物,幸运的是没有人员死亡。 11. Ms Li always tries new teaching m_______ in her English class. 李老师在英语课上总是试着用新的教学_________. 答案链接: 1. experiment 2.fill 3.surprised 4.burn 5.add 6.hen 7.full 8.liquid 9.solid 10. burnt 11.methods D. Complete th


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