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AGENDATASK FORCE ON API STD–521COMMITTEE ON PRESSURE RELIEVING SYSTEMS8:00 A.M. – 5:30 P.M. Hyatt Regency DallasTuesday, April 24, 2012Dallas, TXMike Porter, Chairman API STD 521E. Zamejc Master EditorIntroductions and registration of attendance (All)Appointment of secretary to keep meeting minutes (All)Approval of Fall ISO-23251/API 521 Los Angeles Meeting Minutes (pp 2-4)Review of inquiries / correspondence on API 521/ISO 23251Old inquiries out for ballot– Sent to API (Stephen Crimaudo)Two new inquiries on depressuring (Inquiry 1: pp 5–7 and Inquiry 2: pp 8-9)Old BusinessStatus of comments resolution – see PowerPoint presentationResolve questions on key commentsAPI 521 Empirical and Analytical Methods Comparison with BAM Pool Fire Test Presentation (Zamejc)New BusinessAPI to separate from ISOPath forward on addressing comments – Inquiry Process Flow SheetUpdate on Waste Heat Boiler Task GroupOtherAdjournMeeting Minutes (Rev. 0)TASK FORCE ON ISO-23251/STD–521COMMITTEE ON PRESSURE RELIEVING SYSTEMSAPI 2011 Fall Refining and Equipment Standards Meeting8:00 A.M. – 5:30 P.M.Hyatt RegencyMonday, November 15, 2011Los Angeles, CABrad Otis, Convenor ISO 23251Mike Porter, Chairman API STD 521E. Zamejc, Project Leader ISO 23251Introductions and registration of attendanceThe meeting started at 8:00 AM. Mike Porter, Chairman API STD 521, led the meeting. Those present introduced themselves around the room. The yellow registration sheet was signed, and the distribution list was updated by those present. There were approximately 50 attendees.Appointment of secretary to keep meeting minutesChris Buxton volunteered to keep the minutes.Approval of Spring 2011ISO-23251/API 521 Seattle Meeting Minutes The Spring 2011 meeting minutes were motioned and approved with the following changes:Page 2 under section IV item c2 should show “subcommittee” in place of “committee”Page 2 under section IV item d2 should show “heating value” in place of “heat value”Page 2 under section IV item f2 sh


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