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* 2015年中考一轮复习课件 (9B Units 1-4) 教材梳理 ┃基础精梳理 ┃ 类别 中考考点助记 词语联想 1. attract v. 吸引→________ (形容词) 2. wonderful adj. 精彩的→________ (名词) 3.invent v. 发明→________ (发明家)→________(发明物) 4. think v. 思考 →________(名词) 5. proud adj. 自豪地→________(名词) 6. discover v. 发现 →________ (名词) 7. agree v. 同意→________ (名词) 8. forget v. 忘记→________ (形容词) 9. pollute v. 污染 →________ (名词)→________ (形容词) attractive wonder inventor invention thinker pride discovery agreement  forgetful pollution polluted 类别 中考考点助记 词语联想 10.taste linking v. 尝起来→________ (形容词) 11. comfortable adj. 舒服的 →______________ (反义词) 12. discuss v. 讨论→________ (名词) 13. fighter n. 战斗者→________(动词) 14. push vt. 推→________(反义词) 15. scientist n. 科学家→________ (科学) 16. hopefully adv. 可以指望地 →________ (形容词) →________(名词) 17. enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的→________ (动词) 18. sunrise n. 日出→________(反义词) tasty uncomfortable discussion fight pull science hopeful hope enjoy sunset 类别 中考考点助记 短语精选 1. 前往,动身去 ____________ 2. 在……中间 ____________ 3.失去控制 ____________ 4.缩短 ____________ 5.通电话 ____________ 6.总的来说 ____________ 7.占据(空间);占用(时间) ____________ 8.手工 ____________ leave for in the middle of out of control cut…short on the phone in general take up by hand 类别 中考考点助记 短语精选 9.碰巧 ____________ 10.首先 ____________ 11.达到标准 ____________ 12.不再 ____________ 13.现在;目前    ____________ 14.以……的速度 ____________ 15.与……相比较 ____________ 16.与……相连接 ____________ 17.睡袋 ____________ 18.毕竟 ____________ happen to first of all up to standard no longer at present at the speed of compare to/with connect to/with sleeping bag after all  类别 中考考点助记 短语精选 19.再;重新 ____________ 20.以……的形式 ____________ 21.开展;执行 ____________ 22.南非人 ____________ 23.一团糟 ____________ 24.对……感到满意 ____________ (all) over again in the form of carry out South African  in a mess be satisfied with [点拨] the pride of是……引以为豪的人或物 [拓展] (1)pride vt. 为……而骄傲 (2)proud adj. 自豪的;骄傲的;自尊的 be proud of 为……而骄傲 If your father had still been alive, he would have f


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