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For Want of a Drink Detailed reading What’s the main idea of paragraph 9? Water is not evenly distributed between countries. Detailed reading 1Water is not evenly distributed—just nine countries account for 60% of all available fresh supplies… (L. 2,Para.9) Distribute:1、to share things among a large number of people , esp. in a planned way 分配,分发; e.g.: Clothes and food have been distributed to the earthquake victims. 衣服和食物已经分发给了地震灾区。 2、to supply goods to shops and companies so that they can be sold分销 e.g.:Who distributes our products in America? 谁在美国经销我们的产品? 3、to spread sth , or different parts of sth ,over an area使散开,使分布;分散。 e.g.: Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed 注意让你的重量分布均匀。 Distribution n. 分配,分布 Distributive adj. 经销的,分销的 Distributor n. 经销员,分销员 account for sth. : 1、解释,说明 e.g.: She could not account for her absence from school. 她无法说明旷课的原因。 2、是…..的说明(或原因) e.g.: Perhaps the bad weather accounts for the small crowd. 天气不好或许是人来的少的原因。 3、(数量上,比例上)占; e.g.: The overseas market account for 45% of the company’s revenue. America is relatively well off… (L.4,Para.9) be well off / for sth (某事物)充裕: They’re well off for jobs around there. 他们那里工作机会很多。 What’s the main idea of paragraph11? Main idea : scarce or plentiful , water is above all local. Scarce or plentiful, water is above all local. (L.1,Para.11) P. Whether there is little or a lot of it , most importantly , water is found in particular areas, not everywhere on earth. 句中.Scarce or plentiful起到让步状语的作用。又如: All people , rich or poor , should have equal rights. 所有的人,无论贫富,都有平等的权利。 Above all :最重要的是,尤其是 e.g.: Never waste anything , and above all never waste time。 不要浪费任何东西,尤其时间。 As it nears the sea ,though, the opportunities diminish to the point where it has no uses except to sustain deltas ,wetlands and to carry silt out to sea. Diminish v. 1、to become or to make sth. become smaller , less , etc. 减少,(使)减弱,降低 e.g.: The world’s resources are rapidly diminishing . 世界资源正在迅速减少。 2、to make sb./sth. Appear



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