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Chinese Time Concept and 12 Symbolic Animals WANG Honghai Sanya University The?Lunar Calendar Origin Function Belief Comparison Knowledge Origin:Conception of Oneness of Human and nature The Fairy Tale:Animal Years How many years are there in Chinese Concept? how was the 12 kinds of animals determined? What is the order of 12 symbolic animals? The 12 earthly Branches 1. The cycle of the moon’s phases are related to the “year”, 12 times of the wax moon is one year,and one day was traditionally divided into 12 two-hours period 2. And 12 is an important number for ancients. there are many things about 12 12律 music 12经脉regulating channels 12时辰 timing How did the 12 animal be determined? Theories of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements said that 12 kinds of animals were determined because of physical defect. 鼠无牙、牛无齿(edentia)、虎无脾(alienia) 、免无唇(lip)、龙无耳、蛇无足、马无胆、羊无神、猴无臀、鸡无肾、犬无肠、猪无筋 The theory of totems(图腾) Six livestocks: horse, ox, ram, rooster, dog, pig Six beasts: rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, monkey Raise for economic benefits Disturbed by them and scare them So these 12 animal were regarded as the symbols of ancient tribe to be worshipped What is the order of the 12 symbolic animals? Rat ox tiger rabbit dragon snake horse ram monkey cock dog pig 鼠 牛 虎 兔 龙 蛇 马 羊 猴 鸡 狗 猪 How did the12 symbolic animal be ranked? friend The Function of the Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs Year Time Poem The Months of the Lunar Year Oneness of Huaman and Nature the chinese zodiac animal sign Chinese era the ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches Annals: Chronology of a certain China Emperor the ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches 戊戌变法 the Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs are generally reckoned it should not be later than Han dynasty. They first present in the Book of Songs 吉日庚午,既差我马 ----《诗经 小雅》 In the East Han, a person


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