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第8卷第5期 2010年9月 纳米技术与精密工程 Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering V01.8 NO.5 Sep. 2010 ELID磨削砂轮表面氧化膜力学性能 郐吉才1,张飞虎2,张 勇2 (1.河南理工大学机械与动力r亡程学院,焦作454000; 2.哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院,哈尔滨150001) 摘要:砂轮表面的氧化膜对保证在线电解修整(ELID)磨削的非线性电解以及对改善磨削表面质量都具有极其 重要的作用.利用纳米压痕技术研究了氧化膜的硬度、弹性模量及刚度.研究结果表明,氧化膜的硬度约为210 MPa。是基体硬度的1/4—1/3,使氧化膜有效地隔离了基体与工件,避免基体划伤磨削表面;氧化膜弹性模量约为 30一50 GPa,是基体弹性模量的1/6—1/3,因此弹性变形更易发生,有利于磨粒的协同性与等高性;氧化膜刚度约 为15弘N/nm,由于氧化膜的动态更新,其值与磨削参数有关.在精密磨削时,由于氧化膜发生弹性变形,减小了磨 粒的出刃高度和磨削深度,使磨削表面质量得到改善. 关键词:氧化膜;纳米压痕技术;力学性能;ELID磨削技术 中图分类号:TGll5.5;TG580.1+1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-6030(2010)05-0447-05 Mechanical Properties of Oxide Film on ELID Grinding Wheel Surface KUAI Ji.cail,ZHANG Fei.hu2,ZHANG Yon92 (I.School of Mechanical and Power Engineefing,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,China; 2.School of Mechatronics Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China) Abstract:Oxide film on grinding wheel surface has significant effect both in guaranteeing non·linear electrolysis of ELID(electrolytic in—process dressing)咖nding and in improving舒nding surface quality. Nanoindentation technique was utilized to study the hardness,elastic modulus and stiffness of the oxide film.Study results indicate that the hardness of the oxide film is about 210 MPa.that is l/4一l/3 of the matrix hardness,which enables the oxide film to effectively separate the matrix from the workpiece and prevents the matrix from scratching the grinding surface.The elastic modulus of the oxide film is about 30—-50 GPa.which is 1/6一l/3 of the matrix elastic modulus,SO that elastic deformation occurs more easily,which contributes to the concertedness and equal height of grinding grains.The stiffness of the OX— ide film is around 15 p。N/nm and depends on the grinding parameters due to the dynamic update of the oxide film.In precision grinding,the elastic deformation of oxide film results in reduction of the exposure and grinding depth of the grinding grains,thus enhancing the grinding surface quality accordingly. Keywords:oxide




