Chapter 14 第四章.ppt

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Chapter 14 第四章

Behavioral Objectives Describe the history of the labor movement and why workers unionize. Discuss in detail the nature of the major federal labor relation laws. Describe the process of a union drive and election. Explain to a HR manager how to avoid losing a unionization election. Describe the nature of the collective bargaining process. List important do’s and don’ts for handling grievances. Why Do Workers Organize The urge to unionize often boils down to (归结起来是) the belief that it is only through unity that the workers can get their fair share of the pie and also protect themselves from the arbitrary whims of management. Unfair Employer Labor Practices   The Wagner Act deemed “statutory wrongs” (but not crimes) five unfair labor practices used by employers: It is unfair for employers to “interfere with, restrain, coerce employee” in exercising their legally sanctioned right of self-organization. It is an unfair practice for company representatives to dominate or interfere with either the formation or the administration of labor unions. Among other management actions found to be unfair under practices 1 and 2 are bribing employees, using company spy systems, moving a business to avoid unionization, and blacklisting union sympathizers. Companies are prohibited from discriminating in any way against employees for their legal union activities(工会活动). Employers are forbidden to discharge or discriminate against employees simply because the latter file unfair practice charges against the company. Finally, it is an unfair labor practice for employers to refuse to bargain collectively with their employees’ duly chosen representatives. Unfair Union Labor Practices The Taft-Hartly Act enumerated several labor practices that unions were prohibited from engaging in: First, unions were banned from restraining or coercing employees from exercising their guaranteed bargaining rights. For example, some specific union actions the courts ha


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