Volume1-3 附件Bidding From投标表格.doc

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Volume1-3 附件Bidding From投标表格

APPENDIXES: 附件: TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录 The following Forms requesting data and information from Bidders shall be completed in full by Bidder and submitted with Bidders Form of Proposal. All information submitted by Bidder may be used by mployer in evaluating Proposals. Appropriate segments of the information provided shall be included in the formal Contract. 以下表格所需的数据和信息须投标完成所有投标提供的信息用于主评标合适的部分将作为正式合同的一部分 Commercial Part 商务部分 Form A Letter of Tender 表A 投标书 Form B Priced Works Quantities Schedule and List of Manpower and Machinery Unit Rate 表B标价的工程量清单和人工单价清单 Form Subcontractor and vendor list 表分包商和供应商表 Technical Part 技术部分 Form Project Schedule表项目计划 Form Project Organization and Execution Plan 表D1:项目组织结构和施工方案Form D2 Resumes of Key Personnel 表D2:关键人员简历 Form Manpower Tabulation 表D3:人力资源计划Form D4: Engineering Schedule and Construction Schedule in Bar Chart 表D4:设计计划和施工计划(甘特图) Form E Safety Program表安全措施计划 Form Summary of QA/QC program表 质量/质量控制计划Form G Use of the Utilities表 Form H Exceptions and Deviations表除外事项及偏差 Commercial Part 商务部分 Form A LETTER OF TENDER 投标书 NAME OF CONTRACT: GC for GONVVAMA AASS Changshu Project 合同名称:?华安钢宝利高新汽车板加工( TO: Client 致:?华安钢宝利高新汽车板加工( We have carefully examined the Site, General Conditions of Contract, Particular Condition of Contract, Client’s Requirements, Technical Specifications, Bill of Quantities, Drawings and all other related documents for the execution of the above-mentioned Works. We have examined, understood and checked these documents and have ascertained that they contain no errors or other defects. We accordingly offer to design, execute, complete the whole of the said Works and remedy any defects therein, in conformity with such documents and our enclosed Tender (including this letter) for the price set out in our Tender. 我们已经仔细检查了现场,阅读了通用合同条件,专用合同条件,业主公司要求,技术规范,工程量清单,图纸以及其他所有与实施上述工程相关的文件。我们已检查,理解和核对上述文件并确认该等文件正确无误。我们遵照上述文件并据此发出为设计,施工,完成整个工程以及修补所有工程缺陷的要约并附上投标书


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