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Review of Topic 2 1.我在做家庭作业。 2.他在听音乐。 动词 v.-ing的构成形式 9. What are you doing? I____ _____ (do)my homework. What about you? I ____ _____ (listen) to music. 10._____ he _______ (listen) to me? No, he isn’t. He ____(be) talking. 11. ____ they _____ (run) now? No, they _____ ____ (walk). 短语 1.做家庭作业 2.做清洁 3.寻找 4.在书架上 5.按时 6.带某人参观 7.一些 8.在那边 9.写信 10.在…..的后面 11.画画 12.多久 13.与……交谈 14.长城 对划线部分提问 1.You can keep the book for two weeks. _____ ____ can I keep the book? 2.I’m drawing a picture. ____ _____ you ______? 3. A photo and a card are in my wallet. _____ in your wallet? 4.He watches TV 3 times a week. _____ ____ ____ she watch TV? Exercises: 一、完成句子。 1.我可以用一下你的自行车吗? ____I___ your bike? 当然,我现在没用。 Sure, I ____ use it now. 2.这些书我可以借多久? ____ ____ may I ____ the books? 3.你必须按时归还我的钢笔。 You must ____ my pen ____ time. 4.他到处找他的钱包,就是找不到。 He ____ ____ his wallet here and there, but he can’t _____ it. 5.你的包里有什么东西?一张全家福和一张学生证。 What’s ____ your bag? A_____ photo and a student _____. 填出所缺的单词 1.You can ____ the book for two days.(借) 2.I also want to visit the Great Wall because it is ______. ( 美) 3.We don’t have any ______ on Sundays.(课) 4.Some students are________ (游泳)in the river. 5.They are sitting and _____ books.(读书) 6.Micheal is dong some ______ in the classroom. (做清洁) 7.Some students are running _______(环绕)the playground. 8.What are Jim and Michael doing? They ________(坐)over there. 9.I don’t like the movie______(因为)it’s boring. 10.He’ll be back______(很快) 11.What’s Mrs Brown doing? She _________(做饭) * Grammar Present Continuous Tense (现在进行时) 现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。 肯定句式: 主+ ___________________+其他。 be (am/is/are) + doing 否定句式: 主+am/is/are+ ___+doing+其他。 ,not 疑问句式:________+主+doing+其他? Am/Is/Are 特殊疑问形式: What+ _________+主+ ______+其他? am/is/are doing I’m doing my homework. Are you doing your homework? I’m not doing my homework. What are you doing? He is listening to music. Is he listening to music? He isn’t listening to music. What is he doing? Gramm


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