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2015高考英语单项选择一轮练习 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.It is reported that the government has ______the poor in some African countries ______food,clothes and medicine. A.supplied;to B.offered;withC.offered;to D.supplied;with 2.Seeing the happy ____ of children playing together there, I can’t help thinking of my own childhood. A.scene B.signC.sense D.view 3.—Jenny,how was your trip to Beijing?—Oh,I missed it. I wish I ______my vacation there. A.am spending B.will spendC.have spent D.had spent 4.—Most of my classmates failed in the first exam. It seems there is no hope for us to make any progress.—Cheer up.________. A.Great minds think alikeB.Failure is the mother of success C.Good beginning, half doneD.Many hands make light work 5.Researchers from Harvard reported a study of human brains yesterday that may ________some new information for mental illnesses. A.create B.provide C.expect D.imagine 6.I have ________my secretary to meet the foreign guest at the airport. A.organized B.arranged forC.planned D.made 7.Having been attacked by terrorists,________. A.doctors came to their rescueB.the tall building collapsed C.an emergency measure was takenD.warnings were given to tourists 8.In schools, is it required that no parent ________to classrooms during class time? A.have access B.has connectionC.have contacts D.has access 9.I am ________being treated as a child since I have been over 18. A.tired with B.sick ofC.tired of D.both B and C 10.The scientists got as ________ as they could to the wild animals so as to watch them________. A.closely, close B.close, closelyC.close, close D.closely, closely 11.My English teachers humor was ________make every student burst into laughter. A.so as to B.such as toC.such that D.so that 12.He found it increasingly difficult to read,________his eyesight was beginning to fall. A.and B.for C.but D.or 13.Dont be very sad,but work hard to catch up with others. As the saying goes,“_____is no use crying ove


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