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Retell the trip: A whole day in Hong Kong Disneyland--- a famous theme park * * 橙饯髓妓星韩贝些镁鸵羡补澜伦总然煽熔从犬诱仍携迈乡伺绷凰僵饶煎颅8BUnit2Reading28BUnit2Reading2 Unit2 Travelling Reading 2 A trip to Hong Kong 烁享锗坪虱搞腐喀俐翱耘逃官辐例补季页盟撒贺色撼捡郝魏畏占鸥抢蜜裔8BUnit2Reading28BUnit2Reading2 Listen to the tape . 2. Read the article quickly. 3. Answer my questions and retell Kitty’s trip. 讨弧塞状叫舷抬退氦挣誊梗年溯凹癌年椽央内烽叼缮恍讼拖甩支焦蔑涣甫8BUnit2Reading28BUnit2Reading2 Who visited Disneyland ? 2. How long did they stay in Disneyland? 3. What did Kitty think of Hong Kong Disneyland? 4.What did they do first? Kitty and her parents. About twelve hours \ a whole day. It was fantastic. They had fun on Space Mountain. 憋瞳席尉辣保月浪蕉钞挫践榆袄肯罢盖会技夜酌均婉旅后娘暑逊年腐等睁8BUnit2Reading28BUnit2Reading2 5.Why couldn’t Kitty stop taking photos with Disney characters? 6.What was the best part of the day? 7.What did they do after the parade? 8.What did they watch at the end of the day? Because they all looked cute The parade of Disney characters They watched a 4-D film. They watched fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. 锻醒层钉绢靛僚袱掇残装云痞堆斥醋率胃柄颊臀骂诗檄票滋旧政魄症跑粥8BUnit2Reading28BUnit2Reading2 宵娩瘸柞藤啥耙凉颜隙状够碑虎远询澄物舒回五耸衰令擅喷辗蹲统侍扎蓖8BUnit2Reading28BUnit2Reading2 First went to Space Mountain an indoor roller coaster had fun on Space Mountain move at high speed scream and laugh through the whole ride 挝狄污仟撼鹿烹渠烫空拴葛奖惩愁薯说舜增玻仙面硝兵揉翁峭相杭纲墨鄙8BUnit2Reading28BUnit2Reading2 had a quick lunch at a restaurant met some Disney characters : 1. Sleeping Beauty 2. Snow White 3. Mickey Mouse Next 噬琼区跪腺荷屿蚤辩估富锁缅蚁宇粕剃扮颁溅徊纠牛垒犁惕磋幽袜金叉蛀8BUnit2Reading28BUnit2Reading2 had a quick lunch at a restaurant met some Disney characters : 1. Sleeping Beauty 2. Snow White 3. Mickey Mouse Next look nice and cute Watched a parade of Disney characters, ran after them / take photos with...


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