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(S 版,2017 ) Selection Guide C C 中国 EtherCAT 驱动引领者 C C R Our RD Team Tsino-Dynatron owns an elite RD team, of which core members have over 15 years of experience in RD of related products. Meanwhile, Tsino-Dynatron sets up an advisory committee composed of senior interdisciplinary technical experts and professors, and forms a distributed innovation network by cooperating with famous universities and RD institutions. We can provide customers with innovative products and solutions continuously by establishing prospective RD route and technical platform. Our Marketing Sales Team Tsino-Dynatron sets up a professional market operation team, of which the members have been specialized in the promotion and application of drive and motion control as well as other automation products for many years, and own rich experience in market development in first- class domestic and foreign automation enterprises and the know-how in several main application industries. Upon their excellent ability and rich experience, we can master the market trend better and satisfy the customers in many aspects like product performance, efficiency, safety and so on. Our Quality Management System From the beginning, Tsino-Dynatron has established a set of quality management system, including product RD management, product manufacturing process and supply chain management, etc. We are constantly looking beyond customers’ expectations in order to provide professional technical service. Through continuous improvement, we also strive to fulfill our promise of providing international first-class products. 我们,不断专研 清能德创拥有一支精英研发团队,其核心成员拥有十五年 以上相关产品研发经验;同时还拥有由资深跨领域技术专 家和教授构成的顾问委员会,通过与著名高校和研发机构 合作,构成了分布式的创新网络。通过构建具有前瞻性的 产品研发路线和技术支撑平台,我们能为客户持续提供更 具创新性的产品和解决方案。 我们,一贯专业 清能德创组建了一支专家级的市场运营团队,其成员多年 来始终专注于驱动和运动控制等自动化产品的推广和应用, 拥有在国内外一流自动化企业进行市场拓展的丰富经验和 多个主流应用行业的 know-how,其卓越的能力与经验使 得我们能够更加准确地把握市场趋势,满足客户对于产品 性能、效率、安全等多方面的需求。 我们,持续专注 清能德创在创立伊始就建立了一套完善的质量管理体系, 包括产品研发管理,产品制造流程以及供应链管理等,并 通过持续改进,兑现我们提供国际


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