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Part 4 of Unit III Making an Inference Step I Basic Skills 1. Definition of Making an inference In making an inference, the reader is required to reach a decision based on evidence he thinks to be true. Inference is a statement about the unknown made on the basis of the known. Making an inference forces the mind to bridge the gap between the obvious and the suggested, between the stated and unstated. 2. Notice: a reader who is unresponsive to the subtle uses of language cannot fully understand or enjoy what he reads. Slim delicate 苗条的 脆弱的,柔弱娇嫩 skinny emaciated 皮包骨头的, 很瘦的, 瘦弱的, 憔悴的 1). Hes very______, sir, I replied: and scarecly likely to reach manhood. “他很娇,先生”,我回答,“而且好象他不会长大成人”。 2) She is so _____that attracts a lot of men. 3) He has become so _______ because of lung cancer. 4)他瘦骨嶙峋的,当不了举重运动员。 He looks much too ______to be a weight-lifter. ? 图画 picture: The most general one. (彩图) painting: pictures with color. (绘画 图画) drawing: A picture made with a pen, pencil and crayon. Sketch, diagrams and graphs are all drawings. (草图) sketch: A rough not detailed drawing. (曲线图) graph: A diagram in which a straight line, curved, or zigzag line shows how two sets of numbers or measurements are related. (插图) illustration: A picture to go with words of a book. (图样 草图) draft: The first rough written form of anything. (平面图) plan: A line drawing of a building as it might been seen from above. (主视图) elevation: A flat upright side of a building. (海图) chart: A map esp. a detailed map of a sea area. (图解 图表) diagram: A drawing, figure that shows the arrangement of something. block diagram?框图;方块图 schematic diagram?原理图,示意图 phase diagram?[物理](表示物质的各种相态平衡关系的)相图 flow diagram?流程图;作业图 circuit diagram?电路图;线路图 生气 气愤 anger: The most general one. (易怒) be cross: Feeling easy to get angry. (愤慨) indignation: (fml) Anger. It stresses righteous anger at what one considers


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