第一节 养护站工作职责.doc

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第一节 养护站工作职责 一、依据国家法令、政策及管理处各项规章制度,制定养护管理站管理的有关规定和办法; 二、负责所辖路段养护和基建工程的计划编制和管理; 三、负责所辖路段工程建设项目的可行性方案编制; 四、负责所辖路段日常路况调查,编制年度计划,拟定施工方案,监督、指导工程质量和施工进度; 五、参与所辖路段养护和基建工程预算、招投标; 六、监督、指导所辖路段养护和基建工程施工,巡回检查工程质量和工程进度,解决施工疑难问题,负责调查处理质量事故; 七、负责站内养护机械,设备及检测仪器的保管、维修和使用; 八、组织所辖路段养护和基建工程交工验收,检查评定工程质量等级; 九、及时准确填报工程报表,整理工程技术档案,建立资料数据库; 十、负责科研项目的组织,推广新技术、新材料、新设备及新工艺; 十一、完成领导交办的其它任务。 第二节 工程技术部职责 工程部职责、依据国家法令、政策,制定工程管理的有关规定和办法。 、负责护和工程的计划和管理。 、工程项目的可行性方案编制、审查及报批。 、。 、 六、? 七、及时准确填报工程报表,,建立资料数据库。 、、完成领导交办的其它工作任务。职责 1.6 high vocational designed manufacturing class national career qualification education training programme--car detection and maintenance technology professional teaching plans a, and training target and training specifications car detection and maintenance technology professional training oriented car Hou market of car maintenance, and car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise, and and and car using and maintenance about of career field of production, and service, and management line post, training support party of line, adapted car maintenance, and car using front line need, de, and wisdom, and body, and beauty full development, Has good all-around professional ability, knowledge of professional theoretical knowledge and good practice, can successfully enter car market employment, through vocational training, continuing education, self-taught, to continue learning channels to achieve all-round development in all aspects of vehicle inspection and maintenance technology of high quality workers. Through the system of training, so that students have a scientific world Outlook, Outlook on life and the spirit of patriotism, collectivism 1.6 high vocational designed manufacturing class national career qualification education training programme--car detection and maintenance technology professional teaching plans a, and training target and training specifications car detection and maintenance technology professional training oriented car Hou market of car maint


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