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京口实验共同体六年级英语教案 课时:6A—1—5 课型:Cartoon time, Checkout time(Circle and say) 主备学校:京口实验 审核人:凌燕 集备主讲:韦燕 使用学校: 使用教师: 执教时间: 【目标】能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词, tell, start, quick, next, turn。 ★②能听得懂、会说、会读, sentence, hard。 ③能初步运用一般过去时的陈述句讲述英文故事。 【教学准备】 1.PPT 2.学案 【自主导学】 1.常规预习 跟磁带读部分三遍并’s seven o’ clock... eg. Miss Fox and her students are playing a game. ⑵一般现在时:讲述现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作的故事。 表现在状态 主要构成:主语+be动词(am ,is ,are)+其他 eg. Sam is quick. 表现在行为 句子主要构成:主语非三单,动词原形不变;主语三单,行为动词变成三单形式,动词末尾一般加s,加es,改y为i加es,特殊情况如have变has。 eg. Miss Fox starts. ③关键词:usually, often, always, every, sometimes, on Sundays, from…to… ⑶一般过去时:讲述过去某个时间发生的动作或状态的故事。 ① 表过去状态 主要构成:主语/There +be动词过去式(was, were)+其他 eg. There was a house on the mountain. 表过去行为 主要构成:主语+行为动词过去式(+ed,+d)+其他 eg. An old man and a little boy lived in the house. 关键词:long long ago, one day, this morning, yesterday, in 1990… 3.预习自测 预习Cartoon time,汉译英,尝试完成下列词组。 讲一个故事_____________ 每一个学生______________ 下一个句子_____________ 冥思苦想________________ 不得不_________________ 博比的机会______________ 【课堂互动】 Step Revision Act the story with partners. Step2 Cartoon time ⑴T: Miss Fox and her students are playing a game. Q: What game is it? A. Truth or Dare真心话大冒险 B. Story Domino故事接龙 Read the story and find the answer. ⑵Q: How to play the game? Teach: each, sentence, next, turn, wonderful The game rules: Each student says one sentence. A says the first sentence. B says the next sentence. C… One by one. ⑶Try to find their turns. Miss Fox→Sam→Willy→Billy→Bobby First… Next, it’s...’s turn. … ⑷Q: Why they’re laughing? S1: Bobby can’t say any words. He can only say ‘Long long ago, there was a mountain’. S2: They have to start the story again. Teach: mountain, have to ⑸Q: Do you have any difficult words or questions? 常规预习反馈 预习自测反馈 Teach: tell—told ⑹Read the story after the tape. Read in roles. Try to act. Step3 Circle and say 1. Tell the stories T: Miss Fox and her students are telling a story. Is it interest


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