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Unit7 Shopping Welcome to the unit 学习目标: 1. To learn some common names of shops. (学习常见的商店名称。) 2. To be able to exchange information about shopping presents. (能够就购买礼物交换信息。) 3. To care for each other and get along well with each other. (彼此关心、相处融洽。) a shopping mall Have a match Who can read best! shopping n. 购物 down prep.沿着,向下 well excel.好吧,那么,哎呀 bookshop n 书店 gift n. 礼物 CD n.光盘,激光唱片 sure adj 确知,肯定,有把握 money n. 钱 You’re welcome. 别客气,不用谢! A: Thank you! B: You’re welcome. Not at all. That’s all right. That’s OK. Have a match Who can read best! mall [m??l] n.大型购物中心 hate [he?t] vt. 讨厌,恨 wallet [‘w?l?t] n. 钱包, carry [‘k?r?] vt. 拿,提,搬 maybe adv.也许,可能 stamp [st?mp] n. 邮票 collect [k?‘lekt] vt.收集,搜集 be interested in 感兴趣 stamps邮票 be interested in collect [k?‘lekt] stamps 人+be interested in(doing)sth. 人对(做)某事感兴趣 1)我对英语感兴趣。 2)Simon对集邮感兴趣。 I am interested in English. Simon is interested in collecting stamps. Wordlist shopping mall down hate well money wallet carry n. 购物 n. 大型购物中心 prep. 沿着,向下 vt. 讨厌,恨 excl. 好吧,那么 n. 钱 n. 钱包 vt. 拿,提,搬 bookshop gift CD sure maybe be interested in stamp collect You’re welcome n. 书店 n. 礼物 光盘,激光唱片 adj. 确知,肯定,有把握 adv. 也许,可能 对……感兴趣 n. 邮票 vt. 收集,搜集 别客气,不用谢 词汇检测 1.根据中文提示或英语解释填写单词: 1)Look! There is some_______(钱)on the ground. 2) He always ________ (提)a small box in his hand 3) -Whose ________( 钱包)are they?I don’t know. 4) Shall we go and buy some _______(present) for him? 5) The girl h_______ the meat. She never eats it. 6) My mother is i________ in shopping at weekends. money carries wallets gifts ates nterested Guess : Who likes going shopping, Hobo or Eddie? Who will carry all the things, Hobo or Eddie? Listen and answer the following questions: 1. Does Eddie like shopping? 2. Wha


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