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The king’s new clothes The king’s new clothes The king’s new clothes clothes The king’s new clothes I’m wearing … The king’s new clothes He isn’t wearing any clothes. king 国王 Guess: rich 富有 The king’s new clothes Perhaps he is wearing … Maybe he is wearing … He’s wearing …, I think. He’s wearing …, right? Who are they in the story? 故事里有 哪些人物? The King’s New Clothes Task1:Watch and answer Who are they in the story? two tailors (裁缝) two men people little boy the king magic 神奇的 How do they cheat the king? Task2: Read fast and circle 快速读,圈出故事中的两句话。 Clever people can see them. Foolish people cant see them. food English foolish Foolish a. 好学的 b. 愚蠢的 (欺骗) Who can make for the king? new clothes The king’s new clothes : My king, we can make…for you. … : …, make … for me. Pair work:发挥想象,跟你的同桌对话练习下这两个人 人会如何向国王描述这件新衣? Imagine and imitate:(想象和模仿) long long ago was like liked visit visited 很久以前 is 的过去式 magic 神奇的 Task3 Read and find : What do they think about the clothes? What beautiful clothes! Ha! Ha! The king isn’t wearing any clothes! The king’s new clothes through were shout 穿过 are 的过去式 喊、叫 shouted The people wanted to be(想要成为) ________(clever/foolish), so they pretended(假装) that they______ (can/can’t) see the clothes. clever can Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them. point at pointed at 指向、指着 Be rather than . 诚实比聪明更重要。 Who is right? The king’s new clothes honest The king’s new clothes clever ______ ______ T T F F F 1.跟录音读故事,注意模仿语音语调。 2.自读课文,读准每个词,读出语气。 (选择一个任务来演一演) Task 1. 选择喜欢的一个片断,和同 伴一起演一演。 Task 2. 挑战一下自己,和同伴一起 演一演整个故事。 ① ② ③ ④ 01 You should know… The King’s New Clothes 《皇帝的新装》,是丹麦著名童话作家安徒生的经典作品之一,除此之外还有《卖火柴的小女孩》,《丑小鸭》,《海的女儿》等。 1.Read the story with emotion, try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.(有感情地朗读这个故事,试着模仿语音语调。) 2.Try to act the story for your family.(尝试向你的


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