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Unit 5 What do they do? (Period 4) I’m a reporter. 记者 在本节课中表现好的同学会获得小记者奖章,加油哦! Learning aims I can ask and answer “what do/does…do?”. 我能用句型“what do/does …do?”进行问答。 I can talk about jobs. 我能正确地和别人谈论职业 。 1. 2. 3. I know the sound of the letter “Y”. 我知道字母y的发音。 4. I know verbs sometimes end with ”s”or “es.” 我知道部分动词三单形式以-s或-es结尾。 Try to know me 做个小记者来采访下新老师吧! How old are you? Can you…? What do you do? What …do you like? … Play a game 看到图片请站起来大声说出单词! I wish I could fly! 希望 I wish I could fly! High , high in the sky, I can see a butterfly. High, high in the sky, I wish I could fly ! 字母y在这些单词中发什么音? y / ai / Sound time Sound time 1.你能尝试读一读下面的单词吗? why fly sky 2.你能选择合适的词完成这个句子吗? Hi, ____ little boy, don’t_____,just have a ____. my cry try I know the sound of the letter ‘y’. 我知道字母“y”的发音。 Let’s play ! 看见图片大声读出来, 看见拍手大家一起拍手两下 Whos he ? What does he do ? 1.What does Bobbys father do? He’s a doctor . Hes a worker . He makes cars . 2.What does Bobbys friends father do? Let’s watch and answer . Let’s repeat . Whos that ,Bobby ? Hes my father . What does your father do ,Bobby ? My father likes cars too . Yes! He likes cars . Your father has a nice car . Hes a doctor . Look ,Bobby . There are so many cars . Your father cant go now . Hes a worker . He makes cars ! What does your father do ? Let’s act . A teacher ,a teacher , teaches English . Let s chant . A doctor ,a doctor , helps sick people . A writer ,a writer ,writes stories . A farmer , a farmer ,works on a farm . A worker ,a worker ,makes cars . She is a reporter. She interviews(采访) famous people. What does she do? 一名好记者应该做到: 声音响亮 语言准确 自信大方! Mr.Zhong is a ________. He_____________. She is a ________. She loves her students. They are________. They ___________. doctor helps sick people teacher policemen catch bad men 帮助杨澜给他们做个人物报道吧!做个优秀的小记者哦! 帮助杨澜给他们做个人物报道吧!做个优秀的小记者哦! He/She is ________. He/She________. Survey time 1.小组内采访时你会用到:


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