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M5 U2 The environment 西亭中学高三英语备课组 编制 韩益娟 一、单词默写 1.顾问_________ 2.辩论;争论_________ 3.产量;生产_________ 4.贪婪的_________ 5.责任,职责_________ 6.看法;信念_________ 7.环境的_________ 8.数量_________ 9.愿意的,乐意的_________ 10.到达(者)_________ 11.海关;关税_________ 12.使印象深刻_________ 13.冲突,抵触_________ 14.减少_________ 15.措施;测量_________ 16.管理(部门)_________ 17.范围,山脉;变化_________ 18.保护_________ 19.吸收,理解_________ 20.十年_________ 21.欣赏;感谢;领会_________ 22.交通工具_________ 23.消耗(费)_________ 24.发电厂_______ 25.回收利用 _________ 26.流动 ________ _ 【词汇运用】选择上述适当词汇,并用其正确形式完成句子 1. After a long ______, the bill was finally passed the House of Representatives. 2. If you are too _____ and eager to get everything, you will end up getting nothing. 3. There is a popular _______ that cycling not only protects the environment, but also benefits one’s health. 4. The active participation of the learner should be encouraged as this will lead to improved confidence and a sense of ___________________. 5. The _____________ told Jean that an operation was necessary to save her life. 6. This programme should help to slow down the yearly fall in ______________. 7. Personally, we should pay more attention to quality than to ___________. 8. People are forbidden from hunting rare animals; however, _______ hunting can occur sometimes. 9. These days the weather is still too hot. We all hope there is a _________ in temperature. 10. There are so many beautiful cars on car exhibition, whose prices _______ from 100,000 yuan to 1,000,000 yuan. 11. After drivers _________ any kind of wine, they are not allowed to drive cars. 12. Many effective _________ have been taken to prevent the air from being polluted. 13. Planting trees and grass on the hillside and river banks is important to water and soil _____________. 14. The most popular __________ with people when they go to work in big cities is to take the underground. 15. He has good abilities of management, which is _________ by his boss. 二、短语运用 选择上述短语,并用其正确形式完成句子 1. The elders are


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