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Module 5 Unit 2 短语与句子 Reading的短语 1. a business development consultant 企业发展的顾问 2. debate question 辩论的问题 3. follow the usual schedule for debates 遵循辩论的通常时间安排 4. open the floor for discussion 自由发言讨论 take the floor 发言讲话 5. awful 糟糕的,可怕的 6. produce large numbers of harmful chemicals 产生大量有害的化学物质 7. give them time to lay eggs 给它们产卵的时间 8. the amount of rubbish we produce 我们产生的垃圾的数量 9. turn into a big problem 变成一个大的问题 10. think more about recycling the waste 更多地考虑回收利用废弃物 11. creat more jobs 创造更多的工作机会 12. help our country(to) become more developed 帮助我们的国家更发达 13. people operating these factories 经营这些工厂的人 14. be deeply / very concerned about 深感关心、担心 15. think of…as… 把…看作为… 16. give sb credit 给予某人认可 17. cut down trees 砍伐树木 18. pay a higher price for… 为…支付更高的价格 19. pay higher taxes 支付更高的税 20. what if 如果……将会怎么样/该怎么办? Ms Lin Shuiqing, from the Green Society, and Mr Qian Liwei, a business development consultant. 在我身边的是来自绿色协会的林水清女士和企业发展顾问钱立伟先生。 2. First I am talking to you about the way (in which / that) vast areas of the world are damaged by chemical waste. 今天我首先要谈的是化学废物如何破坏着世界上的大片区域。 3. Other types of waste flow into our water, killing river and sea life. 其它类型的废弃物流进水里,杀死了河里和海里的生物。 4. Much sea life is being destroyed by fishing boats as well. 捕捞船也在毁灭大量的海洋生物。 5. These boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs. This will result in a smaller number of fish left for us to eat in the future. 这些船捕获大量的鱼,不留时间给它们产卵。这将导致我们食用的鱼的数目越来越小。 6. While we damage our environment, we keep producing more and more people who need more land to live on and more food to eat! 我们破坏环境的同时,也在不断地孕育着越来越多的需要更多的土地和食物而生存的人。 The world’s population has grown by six times what it was in 1800. 与1800年相比,世界上的人口已经增长了六倍。 8. As a business development consultant, I’m often seen as being against the environment. 作为一名企业发展顾问,我常常被认为是反对环保的。 The amount of rubbish we produce is turning into a big problem. 我们制造出的垃圾的量正在变成一个大问题。 10. We need to think more about recycling our waste. 我们需要更多地考


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