unit 06 Collection of Object.ppt

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unit 06 Collection of Object

Collection of Object Unit Objectives Introduce the hierarchy of interfaces and classes for dealing with collections Describe the basic Java collection mechanisms Array vs. Other Containers There are three issues that distinguish arrays from other types of containers Efficiency Type Ability to hold primitives Array Array is the most efficient way to store and randomly access a sequence of object references. Array makes element access fast, but you pay for this speed: its size is fixed and cannot be changed for the lifetime of that array object. Array Demo Initial arrays ArraySize.java Fill arrays FillingArrays.java // Arrays.fill() Copy arrays CopyingArrays.java //System.arraycopy() Array Demo Comparing arrays Arrays provides the overloaded method equals() to compare entire arrays for equality. Again, these are overloaded for all the primitives and for Object. To be equal, the arrays must have the same number of elements and each element must be equivalent to each corresponding element in the other array. ComparingArrays.java //Arrays.equals Array Demo Array element comparisons: callback technique is used here Demo 1: “natural” comparison java.lang.Comparable interface public int compareTo(Object rv) Arrays.sort() CompType.java demo Demo 2: strategy design pattern Comparator interface ComparatorTest.java Array Demo Sorting an array With the built-in sorting methods, u can sort any array of primitives, or any array of object Containers Generic container classes deal with objects as if they had no specific type. They treat them as type Object. List Set Map Diagram of the Java Containers(JDK1.4) Regular Useful Interfaces and Classes Collection Functionality List Functionality Set Functionality Map Functionality Demos Making a stack from a LinkedList StackL.java Making a queue from a LinkedList Queue.java Things you can do with Sets Set1.java The output: you can see no duplicate, and The order maintained by the HashSet is different from TreeSet and LinkedHash


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