Unit 4 Use used to and now to describe the following pictures.ppt

Unit 4 Use used to and now to describe the following pictures.ppt

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Unit 4 Use used to and now to describe the following pictures

元贝驾考网 / 元贝驾考科目四 科目一 科目三 仿真试题 金手指驾校 金手指驾驶员考试2016科目一 科目四 * * 1. … took up singing to deal with her shyness. take up 开始;从事 When did you take up Japanese as a second foreign language? 你什么时间开始选修日语作为第二语言? He left a job in the city to take up farming. 他辞去城里的工作,开始务农。 Language points Jacky’s mother was surprised to see her son ______ all the food on the table quickly. A. eat up B. look up C. take up D. give up 假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take up) A If you want to take up this job, you must first receive three months’ training. take up 还有“接受(提议); 占用”等意思 You should take up my suggestion and start saving money. 你应该接受我的建议,开始存钱。 I know how busy you are and I wouldn‘t take up too much of your time. 我知道您忙,我不会占用您太多的时间。 知识拓展 The plane will ______ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. A. take up B. take out C. take away D. take off D deal with 在这里意为“处理,对付”, 此外还有“讨论; 与…交易”的意思。 I have a matter of importance to deal with. 我有要事要处理。 Have you any good idea about how to deal with this difficulty? 处理这种困难你有什么好想法吗? When I worked in Florida I dealt with British people all the time. 在佛罗里达工作时, 我总与英国人有生意往来。 do with 和 deal with do with常与连接代词what连用,而deal with常与连接副词how连用。如: I don’t know how they deal with the problem. = I don’t know what they do with the problem. 我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。 知识链接 用deal with 或 do with填空。 Can you tell me how to _______ it? I really don’t know what to _______ it. 你怎么处理那台旧电视的?(两种翻译) deal with do with How did you deal with the old TV set? What did you do with the old TV set? — ________ did you ________ your pocket money? — I sent it to the children in Sichuan. A. What; deal with B. How; do to C. What; deal to D. How; deal with D 2. … she dared to sing in front of her class, .... dare 在这里用作实义动词。 dare用作实义动词时,有时态和人称的变化,用do、does或did来构成否定句或疑问句。 Go ahead and dive if you dare. 如果你敢,尽管跳下水去


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