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Unit 4 Sports Contents Discussion Asking and answering: Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups; make a summary of your discussion and then complete the form below. (5 minutes) 1. Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? 2. Have you gained or lost weight recently? Do you have any plans to lose weight? 3. Can you make a list of the sports you know? What sports are popular in china? 4. What kind of games do you often play? / What’s your favorite sport? Why do you like it? 5. Would you like to join a health club? why or why not? Discussion Vocabulary related to SPORTS Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Group Discussion: Directions: In this part, you need to form groups with three or four students in each group, and take turns to speak. Task: Describe Your Favorite Sport. You should mention: 1) your sport item 2) your frequency and place for playing it 3) your reasons for loving it. 4) the benefits you get from it. Tips: I go in for / enjoy… I love …best / … is my favorite sport. I …in a club near to my home / in my college gym. I play whenever I have time /I play it once a week. By doing it I benefit a lot … gain physical strength get my muscles lose weight / keep fit / keep healthy relax myself meet some new people / make many friends learn to be decisive /persistent / strong willed etc. What kind of exercises do you usually do? Dialogue 1 ~~~~ A: What kind of exercises do you usually do? B: Well, I love to do push-ups, and I go cycling every day. A: What do you like about them? B: They’re free of charge anyway. [chuckles] Well, it makes me feel stronger, but the important thing is that it makes me feel good. A: What else do you do? B: Swimming, jogging, weight lifting… A: Wow! That sounds great. How often do you go jogging? B: I try to do at least a little every day. The key to do exercise is to do it regularly. A: What are the best exercises for our health? B: I think it’s impo



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