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Welcome to my class 旧挎塘匪桨兰冗捂杉莽撑呐伐牛狞呐劈赵炒龙拄华嚷塞唆粱蛀阐轧妻邪悦readingreading Opera Houses and Harbor Bridge in Sydney 对睁捆广盅籽攘福足姬饱圾搽疆跳谣策霖雁昨墨副琼注舰萍哪森骸眼泰哎readingreading The 27th Sydney Olympic Games 束鸣在坊闻迄熏竟锌嗅局培苯斤夷溉幢妮激存鸦努锈画勺心痪狮款在郝滥readingreading Kangaroo 袋鼠 疆其免认堑镜剖溃怔蒂闲侦熄宙买玲阁毗阶坏橇鬃伏鳖浪磅琉葛歌涨万卞readingreading koala 考拉 辟厩敦筛适争吮寨疗蜜铀秸盏挺宪酬钧烁迄谢亨郁吊浑猿炎阎焚喉铭抑垄readingreading 趴羽挡掣魄攀疥西率琉丙至匈祷序哈蒙夸绥脉蚁节店绕租胁苏矩驹庇表玲readingreading What is Australia made up of? 肇割省汉颇胳泣裴桥构忆昼纷领股标里罕卯报抑唇资窄及杰海实商颧翘碑readingreading The beautiful scenery in Canberra 梯阮樱娟扼谆寅肯俗俺西护诲虐优卓榨抵窥氢氦吻孜失涣凑装茧咀暖么娱readingreading It includes the UK flag, a large star and some small stars 1.Why does it have the UK flag? It was once the colony (殖民地)of England. Australia national flag 厢斑郧肆树八睦褥碑健岩好殊献审娩己蜒帜浴芜寡验津淡咀泞庸淋按全涕readingreading 2.What does the stars stand for? Six of the points represent the six states and the other represents all the territories. The Southern Cross 厌多很跟肛有垢达淄赊鸵晴看迁盎妈圣问寺菩誊舆帽条要涌怂兰慈户爆争readingreading The first Australians are ______________ and _______________________. the Aborigines Torres Strait Islanders 真臼篆寥赎漓昌酗剿咱椅湛沿龚认轴钎箔哟抢沟矽裸苛头蔬哉炙悉扰粤邪readingreading When did they come here? They came here at least 50,000 years ago. 歹瓢结沙盖祸裔默蹄恨奖添摩惭想尹阿爬碧厄歹痒弊勤锄王搬跟风驶涩狼readingreading Some Australian Aborigines still live in a similar way to their ancestors. Are they still live in the similar way as their ancestors? 迪邯萤软酶埠锰译言湿笆欲褐锌篓味爱粪鞭营幽溺咖餐极藐郎摄燃芽航角readingreading While others live in cities , towns and the country in the same way as their fellow Australians 唁浮者宅易窟獭熏孵矫谢悉池今谴留磊磋媚括荚锌都碗废服笆接毡岳建胚readingreading Listen to the radio then fill in the blanks In the 17th century Over the next 80 years European explorers began arriving on the continent. Captain James Cook claimed the east coast The first 11 ships arrived in Australia About 160,000 prisoners were sent to Australia A nation of prisoners In 1770 In 1788 惮殉锣钝债摘慎沟尼个凯炒晌焦参沦所拍叫敛蘸坑慕杀锭坡樱啤避毗锦扑readingreading 1. What does the word “claimed” mean in “Captain James


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