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8A Unit4 DIY Reading教学设计 南通市东方中学 何美红 Learning objectives: 1. Ss can guess and understand the meanings of some new words according to the context; 2. Ss can acquire the information about Andrew’s DIY. 3. Ss can come up with some ways to improve DIY skills. 4. Ss are expected to express themselves about DIY in English. Learning focuses: 1. Guide Ss to get information from the entries by reading. 2. Encourage Ss to describe their own DIY jobs. Methods: Problem-Based Learning method Learning procedures: 头脑风暴 激活思维 导入新课 Warm-up T: Hello, everyone. You look so lovely and happy today. Now let’s enjoy a video first. Lead-in T: What’s the video about? Yes, it’s about DIY. Now I’d like you to have a brain storm: What DIY jobs did you catch in the video? If you get one, just stand and say. S: … T: You are active, and you did a very good job. You got paper DIY, picture DIY, food DIY, cloth DIY, plant DIY, sweater DIY, cup DIY and so on. DIY is becoming more and more popular in our daily lives now. I love DIY too because I enjoy making something new. Guess: What DIY job do I love? S: … T: Great! You are right. I love sweater DIY. Look! It’s my DIY picture. Do you want to have a look at my sweater DIY? (展示实物)Is it beautiful? Thank you. I think I’m good at DIY. Do you think so? 二、拓展问题 训练思维 解读文本 Ⅰ. Pre-reading T: However, children’s DIY jobs are quite different from mine. Today, let’s get to know Andrew’s DIY jobs. Who is Andrew? S: ... T: Yes, he’s Suzy’s cousin. He is crazy about DIY, that is, he loves DIY very much. So Suzy wrote an article named My cousin and DIY(让学生回答). First, let’s have a prediction: Is Andrew good at DIY? Ⅱ. While-reading 1. Fast reading T: (P44)How many paragraphs are there in the article? Now read through the article quickly and silently, and then tell me how many parts they can be divided into? What’s the main idea of each part? And how to divide the text ? S: ... T: Yes, 3 parts. How to divide? Para1 is Part1, Para2-4 are Part2, an


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