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1.He ____________ (重)70 kilograms. 2. The fantail fish is d____________ from others. 3. I like the cats, because they’re f____________. 4.What did you do at the Young Pet ____________ (主人)Club . 5.What’s your ____________ (最喜欢的) pet? * Integrated Skills 学习目标 1. 知识目标: 重点单词: weigh, talk, noise 重点短语: put…in the sun, pick them up with your hands, once a day, grow up to be…, weigh up to…, make some noise, a talk on… , 重点句子: How do you look after your pets? 2. 技能目标: 听取细节获得具体信息并能用已获得的信息完成对话. Which is your favourite pet ? Can you tell me why ? I like my________ because ___________. Would you like to have a goldfish as your pet? Discussion: How to look after a goldfish? 1. Can you put a goldfish in the sun? 2. Is a goldfish heavy? 3. Does a goldfish weigh several kilograms? 4. Does it need clean water? 5. Can you pick them up with your hands ? 6. Does it need special fish food? 7. Is it difficult to look after a goldfish? 8. Is a goldfish very expensive? Listen and finish Part A1 on Page 99. T or F Pick them up with your hands . Put your goldfish in the sun. 3. A goldfish can weigh up to 40 grams. 4. Some goldfish are black. 5. Goldfish are easy to look after. 6. Goldfish are very expensive. F F F F T T Read and finish Part A3 on Page 100. Peter : I joined the Pet Club and there was a talk yesterday. Amy : Really? What does the talk about? Peter : It was a talk about 1________________. We learnt about how to look after them. Amy : That’s interesting. Can you tell me more about them? Peter : Sure. First, they need 2_______ water. Amy : Do you need to feed them often? Peter : No, not often, only once a day. They eat special fish food and sometimes 3___________. Amy : How big can goldfish grow? Peter : They can be 4_______ centimetres long and weigh up to 5_______ grams. Amy : Do they make any noise? Peter : No, they are very 6________. quiet vegetables goldfish clean 20 40 Speak up How do they look after their pets? Liste


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