新编实用英语综合教程 1 第四版-Unit2 Saying Thanks or Sorry.ppt

新编实用英语综合教程 1 第四版-Unit2 Saying Thanks or Sorry.ppt

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新编实用英语综合教程 1 第四版-Unit2 Saying Thanks or Sorry

Read and Simulate I like to hold potlucks at the office and invite volunteers to make them feel like part of the team. I like to throw parties at home and invite friends to make them feel like a member of the family. 我妈妈喜欢在室外野餐,邀请邻居们来参加,让他们感到自己是大自然的一部分。 史密斯教授喜欢在教室里办讨论会 (workshop) ,邀请学生来参加,让他们感到自己是研究团队的一员。 5 Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences. My mother likes to go on a picnic in the open and invites neighbors to make them feel like part of nature. Professor Smith likes to hold a workshop in the classroom and invites students to make them feel like part of the research team. Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar Back Write and Apply Rules 5 Choose the correct answers to fill in the blanks, referring to the Workbook for reference. 1) This is _____ Xinghai Park, and Mr. Chen is _____ director of ____ park. A) X / a / a B) a / a / the C) the / X / the D) X / the (X) / the 2) His plane is due at 10 in Paris. Look, ____ plane is in now at ______ airport. A) a / the B) the / the C) the / an D) a / an 3) Jenny is ______ university student, and she is ______ honest girl. A) a / an B) an / a C) the / a D) an / the 4) Lets give the patient _____ hand. _____ ambulance is waiting for us outside ____ school. A) a / The / the B) a / The / an C) the / A / an D) the / A / the 5) Is this __________ apple tree? No, it is __________ orange tree. A) an / the B) the / the C) an / an D) the / an Back Write and Correct Mistakes 6 Correct the errors in the following sentences. On the Sunday morning I usually do housework at the home. 2) My friend comes from a north of country. 3) Mary is the good player of the two. 4) The hospital bought a X-ray machine a day before yesterday. 5) A hour is


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