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New GRE VOCABULARY UPGRADE 新GRE词汇进阶与巩固 抢鲜预热版 (只包含1000核心词条) 北京新东方G神团队出品 Beta 1.0 Version Descriptions version 1.0 word lists definitions version 2.0 definition revisions synonyms antonyms version 3.0 review exercises version 4.0 supplementary sections version 5.0 ipa translations contact: leaofun@ n.b. s. = synonyms a. = antonyms Unit 01 Quick Preview □ attrition □ irk □ underscore □ abstruse □ transmute □ steadfast □ hail □ lethargy □ hegemony □ recrudescence □ apposite □ vapid □ elusive □ perfidy □ forthright □ recriminate □ evanescent □ vindictive □ reverent □ supplicate 1 attrition i. n. the act of weakening or exhausting by constant harassment, abuse, or attack ii. n. the act of rubbing together: friction 2 transmute v. to change or alter in form, appearance, or nature and especially to a higher form s. transform, convert, metamorphose, transfigure, transpose 3 hegemony n. preponderant influence or authority over others: domination s. ascendancy, dominion, predominance, preeminence 4 elusive i. adj. hard to comprehend or define ii. adj. tending to evade grasp or pursuit s. elusory, evasive, intangible 5 evanescent adj. tending to vanish like vapor: transient s. transitory, ephemeral, fleeting, momentary; fugitive, volatile 6 irk v


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