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4A Unit 1 I like dogs 课案(Teaching Studying Plan) 课 题 ( Title) Unit 1 I like dogs 课型( Style) New type 课时 ( Period) The third period 教学内容 (Contents) A Unit 1 A new house 教学目标 (Aims and Demands) 知识目标 (Knowledge) 技能目标 (Language skill) 情感目标 (Feeling) 提高学生学习英语的兴趣。 培养学生参与课堂的积极性。 教学重、难点(Key points and Difficulties) 教学方法 (Teaching Methods) 听读教学法,任务型教学法 课前准备 (Aids) 教师准备:录音机、挂图学生准备:学习用品 教 学 设 计 课 内 探 究 教 师 活 动 ( Teaching Plan) 一、复习交流,新知导入 二、合作探究,自主学习 三、精讲点拨,综合运用 ’s count. How many monkeys? S: Five. T:Where are they? S: They are on the bed. 出示一只小猴 T:Now, how many monkeys? S: One. T: Yes. It’s a little monkey. 出示Rhyme time图片 T:Where is the little monkey now? S: It’s in the tree now. 出示句子:Little monkey , in the tree. T: What animals can you see in the picture? S: I can see a little monkey/dog/panda. 出示句子:Little dog, run with me . … 逐句教学 run with 和……跑 mat 毯子(at cat mat) Read after the tape Read by yourself Reading competition Step 4 Sound time T: Do you like the little dog? S: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. 教授g/g/发音 说说还有那些单词有g,并且发音是/g/ 有学生会说orange,让学生读读看,感受发音。 出示Sound time 图片,教授句子: Go and get my big bag on the log.去拿来在木头上的我的大书包。 Step 5情感教育 T:The animals are cute and clever. They can do many things. 出示一些动物图片。 Animals are our friends, we should protect them. 课 后 延 伸 四、强化练习, 拓展延伸 板书设计 Unit1 I like dogs run with mat


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