100万人口的给水处理厂工艺设计 学位论文.doc

100万人口的给水处理厂工艺设计 学位论文.doc

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100万人口的给水处理厂工艺设计 学位论文

毕业设计说明书 100万人口的城市给水处理厂 工艺设计 学生姓名: 学号: 学 院: 专 业: 指导教师: 2009年06月 100万人口的给水处理厂工艺设计 摘要 给水处理的主要任务和目的就是通过必要的处理方法去除水中的杂质,100万人口的给水处理厂工艺设计。 结合设计原水的水质状况以及处理后的出水要求,确定合适的水处理工艺,即预处理、混合、絮凝、沉淀、过滤、消毒和深度处理;此外还对各个构筑物进行了设计和计算。通过设计使原水中的pH值由8.3降到7.5;COD由3mg/L降到0.9mg/L;浊度由30NTU将至0.6NTU。各项指标均满足饮用水的水质要求,从而达到了设计的目的。 由于设计出水是要供100万人使用的生活用水,所以本设计中对消毒和深度处理的设计为主要环节。 关键词:给水处理,工艺设计,消毒,深度处理 Technological design for the population of one million water treatment plant Abstract The main tasks and the aim of water treatment is to remove impurities by the necessary water treatment, to a reasonable price, good water quality in the safety of the use of water supply. Water supply system is an essential infrastructure in the city,and the water quality and price relations to the peoples livelihood. The design is technological design for the population of one million water treatment plant. Define the appropriate water treatment process by combined with the design of raw water quality conditions and water after handling the request to, namely pre-processing, mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection and depth of processing; addition to the various structures are designed and calculated. Through the design so that the pH value of raw water from 8.3 down to 7.5; COD from 3mg / L down to 0.9mg / L; turbidity from 30NTU down to 0.6NTU. Various indicators of water quality to meet drinking water requirements, so as to achieve the purpose of the design. As the design for the water to one million people use, so the major aspects of the design is the disinfection and depth to deal with. Key words: water treatment, process design, disinfection, advanced treatment 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 设计背景 1 1.2 饮用水处理工艺技术的研究进展 2 1.2.1 混凝 2 1.2.2 沉淀 2 1.2.3 过滤 2 1.2.4 消毒 3 1.2.5 深度处理工艺 4 1.3 国外给水处理技术 5 1.3.1 反应沉淀池 6 1.3.2 滤池技术参数 6 1.3.3 加药和消毒工艺 6 1.3.4 对我国的启示 7 1.4 本课题研


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