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Implementing a Business Management System compliant to ISO 9001:2000 What ISO 9001:2000 implies…. Business Management System (Production and HR, Acctg, Engr, Operations, IT, etc) Key Driver is Customer Satisfaction Business System must: Know and Meet Customer Needs Follow Controlled Processes Monitor Process Performance Perform Preventive and Corrective Actions Demonstrate Continual Improvement Eight Management Principles Customer Focus Leadership Associate Involvement Process Definition and Documentation System Approach to Management Continual Improvement Factual Approach to Decision Making Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships Customer Focus What Understand customer requirements Meet or exceed customer expectations Why Increased revenues and market share Quick response to opportunities More effective use of resources Increased customer satisfaction Improved customer loyalty repeat business Leadership What Establish unity of purpose and direction Maintain an internal environment that promotes full involvement of everyone to meet objectives Why People understand and are motivated Activities are implemented and evaluated in a unified way Miscommunication is minimized Associate Involvement What People are the essence of an organization Full involvement enables abilities to be best used for the organization’s benefit Why Motivated, committed and involved people Innovation and creativity are stimulated People are accountable for their own performance People contribute to continual improvement Process Definition and Documentation What Desired results are achieved more efficiently when activities and resources are managed as a process Why Lower costs and shorter cycle times More effective use of resources Improved, consistent and predictable results Focused improvement opportunities System Approach to Management What Identify, understand and manage interrelated processes as a system to improve effectiveness and efficiency Why Focuses efforts on key proce


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