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1 NIST Traceable – ISO 9001:2008 tetraCal? Flow Range: 0.1 – 30 LPM tetraCal? Ultra Flow Range: 1 – 60 LPM User Manual 2 Table of Contents Section Topic Page 1.0 Quick Start 3 2.0 Introduction 3 3.0 Specifications 5 4.0 Principle of Operation 10 5.0 Instrument Set Up 10 6.0 Using the Calibrator 11 7.0 Software 13 8.0 Maintenance 13 9.0 Safety 14 10.0 Warranty 14 Appendix A Qa/Qs Relationship 15 Appendix B Changing tetraCal units using OpenCal 16 3 1.0 Quick Start Step 1: Remove the instrument from its carrying case and turn it on. Step 2: Install the correct venturi for the flow rate range of interest. For the tetraCal models TC5 and TC12: #1 6 – 30 LPM #2 1.2 – 6 LPM #3 0.1 - 1.2 LPM For the tetracal Ultra models TC14 and TC17: #1 20 – 60 LPM #2 6 – 20 LPM #3 1 – 6 LPM Step 3: Install a tubing adapter of the appropriate diameter onto the venturi and connect it to the instrument being audited/calibrated with elastomeric tubing. If the instrument to be audited is not already running, start it now. Step 4: You may now read the screen to determine volumetric flow rate, standard flow rate, ambient temperature and barometric pressure. For a diagram of the immediate application refer to Figure 1. 2.0 Introduction All BGI by Mesa Labs calibrators are based on the air flow measurement principle of the venturi. BGI calibrators are manufactured in Mesa’s ISO 9001-2008 facility. The instruments provide an LCD indication of volumetric flow rate, standard flow rate, barometric pressure and ambient temperature, and filter temperature in some models operate on either four AA alkaline batteries or a provided AC power module. The instrument is furnished with three auto ranging ventur


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