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G20峰会分歧多 美国提议应者寥寥 更新日期:2010-11-15 17:09 ????浏览: 92次????所属分类/专题:看新闻学英语 US Gets Scant Help At Divided Summit The Group of 20 Nations, hailed less than two years ago by economists and policy makers as a new model of global economic cooperation, concluded its latest meeting here with a thinly disguised discord, as the U.S. was unable to persuade other countries to take measures it believes are necessary to end currency wars and promote sustainable growth. 在韩国举行的最近一次20国集团(G20)会议分歧很大,因为美国未能说服其他国家采取它认为的必要措施结束货币战争,并促进经济可持续增长。不到两年前经济学家和决策者将G20称赞为全球经济合作的新模式。 ? With the world confronting hefty economic imbalances and rising tensions over currencies, monetary policy and trade, the leaders of the worlds 20 most powerful economies concluded the summit with almost as many disagreements as when they started -- undermining the idea of the fledgling G-20 as a forum for hashing out global policy. 由于全球面临着经济严重失衡、围绕汇率政策、货币政策和贸易的紧张气氛加剧,G20领导人在结束峰会时,他们的意见分歧像会议开始时几乎一样多,凸显了人们认为G20羽翼未丰,尚不能成为全球政策论坛的看法。 ? China and Germany rejected U.S. calls to rein in their trade surpluses and bashed Federal Reserve policies that they said undermined the dollar. Though the tone of the meeting was more civil than the heated exchanges leading to it, on key issues, members rejected comity in favor of national interests. The gatherings only real agreement on the controversial issues of foreign-exchange and monetary policy amounted to a punt: a commitment to study international currency policies. 中国和德国反对美国要求他们遏制自身贸易顺差的呼吁,并抨击了美联储(Fed)的政策,说其政策打压了美元汇率。尽管峰会比会议前的互相攻击更加文明,但在关键问题上,成员国为了自己国家的利益,放弃了礼貌。此次会议就汇率和货币政策讨论议题达成的真正唯一协议成为一个赌注:承诺研究国际汇率政策。 ? The study -- a year-long effort to assess whether members are artificially depressing their currencies -- followed highly publicized disagreements between President Barack Obama and other world leaders and highlights the limitations of the forum when the national interests of its members diverge. It essentially delays putting international pressure on currency offenders to next y


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