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基本句型结构 1.Tired as he was, he stuck to his work. 2.Great scientist as he is, he remains modest and works as an ordinary teacher at college. 3. If you don’t want to run the risk of failure, you can have a try. 4. Our teacher told us to make a mark where we have questions. ? ? ? ? 8.我想他下午不会来. 9. 养成良好的学习习惯对我们来说是非常重要的. 10.毫无疑问现在英语是世界上用得最广泛的语言之一. 8. I don’t think that he will come this afternoon. 9. It’s important for us to form a good habit of studying. 10. There is no doubt that English now is one of the world’s most widely used languages. ? ? ? ? 1. 他不来北京的理由是下月他们将开科学大会. 2. 他完成工作的方式令我们吃惊. 3. 她又改变了主意,这使我们大家都生气了. 1. The reason why he will not come to Beijing is that they will have a scientific conference next month. 2. The way (that / in which) he finished the work surprised all of us. 3. She changed her mind again, which made all of us angry. 定语从句 ? ? ? ? 1.虽然他累了,但是他坚持工作. 2.虽然他是位伟大的科学家,但是他仍保持谦虚而且在大学担任普通教师工作. 3.如果你不想冒失败的危险,你可以试一试. 4老师叫我们在有问题的地方打上记号. 状语从句 ? ? ? ? 5. 鸟飞得越高, 我们就越看不清楚. 6. 他一声不吭地坐着,仿佛在深思. 7. 这女孩谈钢琴不是因为她喜欢弹钢琴,而是因为她父亲强制她学. 5. The higher the bird flies, the less clearly we can see it. 6. He sat silently as though he was deep in thought. 7. The girl learned to play the piano not because she liked to play it, but because her parents forced her to. 各种句式的综合运用翻译 ? ? ? ? 1.就在教师节那天我送给英语老师一束花表示对她的尊敬. 2. 花了几个月时间修建了通往省城的道路. 3. 凭借录音机的帮助,我感到很容易改进我的语音. 1. It was on Teachers’ Day that I sent my English teacher a bunch of flowers to show her my respect. 2. It took several months to repair the road leading to the capital of the province. 3. I feel it easy to improve my pronunciation with the help of a tape recorder. ? ? ? ? 4.所有的学生都知道,人人都应该在校至少读九年直到初中毕业为止. 5. 我原先希望能准时到达,但是因为大雾飞行航班延误了. 6.接受她的邀请吧, 不然她会生气的. 4.As is known to all the students, one should study at school for at least nine years till he graduates from a junior middle school. 5. I had hoped to arrive on time, but the flight was delayed because of a heavy fog. 6. Accept her invitation, or she will


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