Enlargement of Planck`s System of Absolute Units.pdf

Enlargement of Planck`s System of Absolute Units.pdf

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Enlargement of Planck`s System of Absolute Units

a r X i v : p h y s i c s / 9 8 1 1 0 1 8 v 1 [ p h y s i c s .g e n - p h ] 9 N o v 1 9 9 8 Enlargement of Planck System of Absolute Units Manuel Castan?s? Deprt. F?isica ETS Arquitectura UPM Madrid Juan de Herrera 4 Spain J.A. Belincho?n? Dpt. F?isica ETS Arquitectura UPM Madrid Juan de Herrera 4 Spain Abstract Conventional Planck system of absolute units (G, c, h?, kB) is en- larged by the addition of the so-called, dynamical constant Γ , that relates force to the rate of change of linear momentum. A further en- largement allows its applications to electromagnetism by introducing the permitivity of the vacuum ?0, as a new absolute unit. Conse- quenly there are six reference dimension (M,L, T, F,Θ, I) where F and I stand for dimensions of force and electric current respectively. In such an ” enlarged Planck system ” ( E.P.S) we equalize its unit of charge to the elementary one, e, with the result that Γ coincide with the fine-structure constant, α. In the proposed E.P.S. the constants G, c, h?, kB , ?0, μ0,Γ, e, α acquire very simple numerical values, (most of them are equal to the unity), although in our view they retain their physical dimensions. A calculation of the main quantities in the E.P.S. and some considerations that may concern homogeneity and isotropy conditions in the very early universe are made. ?E-mail: miguel@iponet.es ?E-mail: jabelinchon@usa.net 1 1 Planck System. Admitedly the Planck absolute system of units ( P.A.S.U.) rests on the gravi- tational constant G , quantum of action h?, velocity of light c and Boltzmann‘s constant kB . The units of length (Planck length lp), of time (tp), of mass (mp) and the temperature can be expressed in terms of the selected universal constants as: lp = √ Gh? c3 ≈ 10?34.7915 m tp = √ Gh? c5 ≈ 10?43.2684 s mp = √ h?c G ≈ 10?7.6622 kg θp = √ h?c5 k2 B G ≈ 1032.1514K (1) The meaning of these quantities is not yet quite settled, but there is no doubt about their importance. As Planck himself states: ” these


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