Quantum description of the orientational degrees of freedom in a biaxial nematic liquid.pdf

Quantum description of the orientational degrees of freedom in a biaxial nematic liquid.pdf

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Quantum description of the orientational degrees of freedom in a biaxial nematic liquid

a r X i v : c o n d - m a t / 9 8 1 0 2 3 6 v 1 1 9 O c t 1 9 9 8 Quantum description of the orientational degrees of freedom in a biaxial nematic liquid Jorge Alfaro ?, Oscar Cubero Facultad de F??sica Universidad Cato?lica de Chile Casilla 306, Santiago 22, Chile and Luis F. Urrutia Departamento de F??sica de Altas Energ??as Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares Universidad Nacional Auto?noma de Me?xico Apartado Postal 70-543, 04510 Me?xico, D.F. February 1, 2008 Abstract The quantum mechanical version of a classical model for studying the orientational degrees of freedom corresponding to a nematic liquid composed of biaxial molecules is presented. The effective degrees of freedom are described by operators carrying an SU(3) representation, which allows the explicit calculation of the partition function in the mean field approximation. The algebraic consistency conditions are solved nu- merically and the equilibrium phases of the system are determined. In particular, the entropy, the specific heat and the order parameters are presented for different choices of the constituent biaxial molecules. Our results reproduce the classical calculation in the limit of high temperatures and high quantum numbers. PACS codes: 05.30, 64.60.C, 64.70.M Keywords: quantum statistical mechanics, phase transitions, model systems in liquid crystals, mean field approximation. ?e-mail address: jalfaro@lascar.puc.cl . 0 1 Introduction Nematic liquids constitute a particular case of the phases denominated with the generic name of liquid crystals [1, 2]. This is a state of matter which is intermediate between the liquid and the solid phases. It lacks the positional symmetry characterizing the lattice of a crystal, which makes it similar to a liquid, but it retains some orientational symmetry that is not present in a normal (isotropic) liquid. The molecules forming a liquid crystal can be roughly caracterized as rod-like or disc-like, and the corresponding orientational symmetry is manifested


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