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PORTER 模型 PORTER 外在因素的影响 PORTER行业分析五要素 S-C-P 模型 S-C-P 模型示意 战略方阵分析模型 – 新的模型 新的竞争实力来源分析方法 举例 行业结构/行为分析的新方法 相互依存系统 – NOKIA SWOT 分析 能力平台分析 四中程度的不确定 四个不同的战略态势 STRATEGIC POSTURES UNDER UNCERTAINTY The different levels of uncertainty suggest differing approaches for shaping and adapting postures. In stable level 1 industries traditional strategic theory (e.g., Porter) has follwed an adaptive mode - pursuing the right positioning choices to establish best fit between business unit and present and predicted environment. Shaping strategies in level 1 on the other hand demand the will and means to create upheaval and discontinuity, i.e. to raise the level of uncertainty in the industry. This is inherently risky for all participants and will be pursued by its instigators only when they believe they will be the ones best ipositioned to shape the ensuing chaotic environment. FedEx, of course, had both the will and capability to turn the genie of overnight delivery, once released, into a standard, reliable service. Shapers in level 2 situations will attempt to actively set the futures course on their favorite tracks, for example by influencing a key regulatory ruling by intense lobbying, or as in JVCs case to make license agreements for their VCR standard (VHS) more attractive for licensees than Sonys (Beta). Adapting strategies in level 2 will require business units to cover all bases with options to stay in the game no matter which outcome materializes. Due to the limited number of potential outcomes in level 2 uncertainty such hedging strategies are often affordable. They are also easy to manage as important signposts at the different stages of the possible scenarios can be identified beforehand and checked periodically. Microsofts application developers bet on a number of different OS horses when developing and marketing Excel and other application software. Once their colleagues had established Windows as the winner-apparent they could home in for good. (Continued on


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