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chemistry n. 化学 Chemistry is my favourite subject. call her a bookworm 书虫, 书呆子 pay no attention to them a top student get high marks in exams progress n. 进展, 进步 make progress in 取得进步 be proud of him pronounce vt. 发音 pronunciation n. 发音 e.g. How do you pronounce this word? Can?you?give me some advice on my pronunciation?? try to pronounce all the words correctly learn their correct pronunciation Listen to Nora’s information and put a tick ( ) in the correct boxes below. Task 1: √ √ √ √ √ √ Task 2: Listen to the conversation and help Mr Friend complete his notes. sports run fast PE class friends best friend no proud Nora is one of the (1)__________ in her class at Sunshine Middle School. Her favourite subjects are (2)_______ (3)_______ and (4)_________. Nora does well in exams, but she still has some problems. She is not very good at sports. She cannot (5)________ and hates (6)________. Also, sometimes her classmates (7)_______ her and call her a bookworm. This makes her feel bad. top students English Maths Chemistry run fast swimming laugh at Task 1: Complete the report. I told her what to do in PE class. She should just (8)___________ and (9)_______________. I also told her to (10)________________ the classmates who laugh at her. Now Nora seems much happier than before. She still finds sport difficult, but she can talk to her best friend Betty when she feels sad and (11)________________ with her. She should be (12)________ her schoolwork. try her best enjoy the exercise pay no attention to share her problems proud of 1. 尖子生之一 2.在考试中获得高分 3. 嘲笑 4. 称呼某人“书呆子” 5. 对 …… 不予理睬 6. 以 …… 为自豪 7. 使她感觉难过 8. 似乎比以前快乐多了 9在某方面取得进步 Translate the following phrases: one of the top students get high marks in exams laugh at call sb a bookworm pay no attention to be proud of make her feel sad seem much happier than before make progress in sth 10.复习 11.大声读英语 12.别客气 go over read English aloud don’t mention it What is Daniel’s


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