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Unit 5 Traveling Abroad Lead-in Everyone has your own dream about university when you entered the high school. Share your dreams with us. Pre-reading: If you are offered a chance to study abroad, where would you like to go? Cambridge Harvard Yale University 总统的摇篮 Princeton University Massachusetts Institute of Technology 科技宠儿的摇篮 What should we take into account before we decide to travel abroad? Travel abroad money ID card Make plans Apply for a visa Local conditions and customs Accommodation What are the benefits of studying in a foreign country? What are the difficulties of studying in a foreign country? benefits difficulties …… help us to be independent be easier to learn a foreign language broaden our views enrich our knowledge learn advanced technology have new experiences cost a lot of money be difficult to communicate with others be tiring to live in a new country be homesick and lonely We are going to read a newspaper article about a Chinese student who goes to study in England. What do you think she will find different from studying at a Chinese school/university? What do you think she might find difficult? Skimming Read the first sentence of each paragragh to get a main understanding Task 1:Match the main idea with each paragraph. P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 No.1 XieLei’s preparation year(一年预科) No.2 Benefits of her preparation course No.3 The author’s best wish for XieLei No.4 Benefits of living with a host family No.5 Xie Lei’s new plan No.6 Xie Lei, a Chinese girl, came to study in London No.7 Xie Lei’s difficulty getting used to a new way of life Task 2: Glance quickly through the magazine article and find out the answers to these questions. 1. Which country is Xie Lei studying in now? 2. How old is she now? 3. Who does she live with? 4. Did Xie lei get a good mark for her first essay? 5. How is her life now? England 21years old A host family No, she got an E. She feels much more at home now.


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