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Unit 8 Topic 2 Uniforms have many uses in our lives. SectionB Section B needs 1 period. Section B 需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ. Teaching objectives(教学目标): 1. Go on learning the patterns “It’s + adj. + that …” and “It is + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth.” It is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion. It’s impolite for the man to wear jeans to go to the formal party. 2. Go on learning object clauses: Can you tell me what I should wear here? Could you tell me where the special shoes are? Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 多媒体/ 录音机 III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Present some new words by a guessing game Guessing game: show some pictures about different occupations, such as policeman, doctor, nurse, teacher, farmer, worker. (猜词游戏:用图片展示不同职业的人穿的服装,让学生猜出他们的职业) Show another 3 pictures about the new words: gatekeeper, attendant, customer.(通过另外3副图片引入新单词:看门人,侍者,顾客) Teach the new words. (教学新单词) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 Show a picture about the U.S. President Obama, and present: “Does he dress correctly?” to present new word: correctly. (通过美国总统奥巴马的图片引出新单词:correctly) By answering the question “Does he dress correctly?” we can conclude: It is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion. (通过学生回答问题得出结论:在每一个场合穿合适的衣服是重要的。) Tell students: “ Next we will listen to 4 dialogs, do they dress correctly? Now, listen and finish the following 4 tasks.” (通过告知学生:接下来我们将听到4个对话,他们穿得得体吗?请听后完成以下4个任务) Listen to the tape one dialog by one. And answer the questions. Dialog 1(listen and answer the question) : Can you tell me what he should wear there? Dialog 2 (listen and fill in the blanks) : Attendant: Sorry, sir. You have to _________your ________shoes. Customer: Oh, sorry. Could you tell me ______the _________shoes are? Attendant: This way, please. Dialog 3 (listen and fill in the blanks) : Mother: You should ______ _____your shoes when you ______someone’s home in _______. Daughter: Yes, Mom. Dialog 4 (listen and answer the two questions): 1.What’s th


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