A Comparison of Color Words in English and Chinese and their Translating Strategies 英语毕业论文.doc

A Comparison of Color Words in English and Chinese and their Translating Strategies 英语毕业论文.doc

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PAGE  PAGE 14 A Comparison of Color Words in English and Chinese and their Translating Strategies Abstract Different countries have different cultures and languages. Language and culture are closely related, each influencing and shaping the other. .Language is a part of culture, besides, it is the carrier and container of culture, so it can represent every aspect of culture. Culture is used as a mirror, so it has strongly influence on culture. Color words as one of the basic element of language can convey much information about cultures of different countries, which serves as a bridge between the cultural and linguistic exchanges of the countries .This paper aiming at contrasting the cultural differences between Chinese and English and their translating strategies, discusses the similarities and the differences between the basic meanings and associative meanings of color words by means of comparing the cultures in Chinese speaking countries and English speaking countries. Through the comparison of the two languages, we can find a lot of strategies about translation of color words. This paper has exemplified four strategies, here are literal translation, paraphrase, loan translation and translating the implied meaning of foreign cultural expression. Key words: color words comparison; translation strategies. i 摘 要 不同的国家有不同的语言与文化。语言与文化是相互联系,相互影响和相互制约的。语言是文化的一部分,同时也是传达文化的载体和容器,它能够传达有关文化方面的各种信息 ,但是它的表达在一定程度上受文化的制约。当然,它也反过来影响了文化。颜色词作为组成语言的基本元素之一,它能够很好的反映各国的文化,它对传达各国的文化以及对人们相互交流起着很重要的桥梁的作用。本文先对各种颜色的基本意义与引申意义在中西文化中的比较着手。然后找出其相同点与不同点,通过对这些相同点以及不同点所产生的原因进行简单分析,从而得出四种对这类颜色词进行翻译的技巧。本文举了四种翻译的方法:直译法、 释义法、意译法和对照译法。 关键词:颜色词;比较;翻译技巧 ii Content Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………i 摘要………………………………………………???………………………………………ii Content……………………………………………………………………………………iii Introduction………………………………………………………………………………1 1. A comparison of color words in English and Chinese……………………2 iii 1.1 A comparison of color words used in economic field………………………………2 1.2A co



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