The importance of tax collection 英语翻译.doc

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税收 The importance of tax collection 尝试查询: 税收 征管 重要 意义 税收征管的重要意义 1. For the small enterprises the chinese government has enacted and promulgated many new rule.The accounting system of small enterprises was not only with a view to intensifying tax collection and management and support small enterprises to Promote development of Economy. We should not neglect The accounting system of small enterprises to be set up, Because many small enterprises administrative and regulatory system tightly geared to strict supervision has been established and fine-tuned. to further improve and standardize the accounting system of small enterprises, 我国有关部门制定的企业标准,绝大多数都是针对小企业 .制定小企业会计制度不仅仅是加强国家税收征管的需要,也是扶持小企业发展的需要;而小企业自身管理的提高更加需要一个完善的会计制度.因此,制定小企业会计制度成为当前不可忽视的重要举措 2. View of Influence of 《Electronic Signature Act》in the sight of Tax Collection and Management 从税收征管的角度看《电子签名法》产生的影响 3. 措施 Strengthening of tax collection administration of self-employed private economy and intensification of tax collection on audit of accounts are important measures in the standardization of administration of self-employed private economy and promotion of the healthy development of self-employed private economy. 加强个体、私营经济税收征管,强化查帐征收工作是规范个体、私营经济管理,促进个体、私营经济健康发展的重要措施。 4. On the Influence of Electronic Signature Law upon Tax Revenue Collection 谈《电子签名法》对税收征管产生的影响 5. This paper begins with the connotation and denotation of the efficiency of tax collection and management and aims at an integrated evaluation index system through empirical demonstration. 本文分析了税收征管效率的内涵及外延,通过实证建立了税收征管效率的综合评价指标体系。 6. The Study on Application of ISO9001: 2000 Quality Management System Introduced to Tax Levy Management ISO9001:2000质量管理体系导入税收征管中的应用研究 7.重要性和措施 Efficiency of tax collection and management is a necessary choice for scientific evaluating the work of revenue departments, and thus an evaluation index system makes the foundation and major concern of this scientific evaluation. 摘要税收征管效率是评价税务机关工作效果的主要指标,而评价指标体系的



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