Developing Learner Autonomy to Promote Senior Students’ Reading Ability 运用自主学习理论促进中学生英语阅读能力的培养(硕士论文).doc

Developing Learner Autonomy to Promote Senior Students’ Reading Ability 运用自主学习理论促进中学生英语阅读能力的培养(硕士论文).doc

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运用自主学习理论促进中学生英语阅读能力的培养 Developing Learner Autonomy to Promote Senior Students’ Reading Ability Abstract: Learner autonomy has been a catchword in the world of foreign language teaching and learning in the recent twenty years, especially in western context. This indicates that concern with teaching and learning has shifted from the teachers’ teaching to the students’ learning. In China, Education Ministry has set the main goal of English teaching and learning as “developing the students’ autonomous English learning” in the New English Course Standard for the Basic Education Stage. Thus the English teacher’s responsibility should concentrate on cultivating students’ ability of learning autonomy, and helping students become conscious of how to learn effectively. With teachers’ help, students can form appropriate learning habits, grasp adequate learning abilities by themselves and lay solid base for their lifelong learning. However, the status quo of teaching and learning in China is “time-consuming with low effectiveness producing”, which results from lack of competent teachers, and relevant efficient teaching context. Many teachers teach as what was taught. New ideas aren’t brought forth when teachers try their best to teach students under a non-productive teaching conception and in their own self-centered style. Not only students and their parents but also the teachers themselves overemphasize the results of examinations but neglect actual development in English ability on the part of students. In middle school, English teaching still focus on teachers’ teaching rather than students’ learning. It ignores the students’ individual differences and thus produces only passive learners, and ineffective teaching and learning. To better this situation, the best way available is to focus on students’ learning since the students themselves can in any case carry out all learning. This means that students should be the major concern in classroom teaching an


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