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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 2011年5月雅思口语Part2预测 下面是由著名的雅思口语名师慎小嶷所做的2011年5月雅思口语Pa rt2预测的内容,题目很多非常丰富。2011年5月的雅思口语考试还是要 以经典的题目为标准进行适当的练习,下面是详细内容,供大家参考, 希望对大家有所帮助。 May,2011 :Part 2 可能出现的卡片题,没有标注星号的题表示 近期在亚太区出现过但频率较低,时间紧的同学只需要准备划星号的卡 片题即可。 自然界 ☆ Describe things you can do to help improve the environment.(十天口语p340) Describe a place that has a lot of water / a lake or a river. (十天口语Day 8: A C) Describe a walk you took with a friend. (十天口语Day 8: C) Describe your favorite wild animal. 城市与建筑 Describe a place that helped you learn about the past.(p164,p165,p177老建筑) Describe a modern building. (可以和下面三个题中的一个合并在一起准备) ☆ Describe a hotel. (Day 8: A) ☆ Describe a place where there is a lot of noise. ☆ Describe a library. (Day 8: A) Describe a museum or an art gallery.(Day 10 p319) ☆Describe a historical place in your hometown. ☆ Describe a school you studied at before. (Day 7 p116) Describe an architect. () Describe your favorite part of your city/hometown. / a popular part of your hometown. Describe a good way to improve your health. ☆Describe a place that has a lot of water. (Day 8 :swimming pool / lake ) Describe a shopping mall. Describe a flat / house / home. Describe your favorite place in your city. 组织与个人 ☆ Describe an adventurous person.(How about talking about a person who likes adventurous sports? You can learn a great deal about adventurous sports from this site: ) ☆Describe the oldest person in your family. / Describe an old person. (Day 8:双语感悟) Describe a friend who is a leader. (a company leader or a political leader) ☆ Describe a successful person. Describe a teenager. ☆ Describe a teacher who taught you before. Describe one of your childhood teachers(请注意本题中的动词全部要用过去时). Describe a TV show host/presenter (《十天口语》p335以及) Describe a wealthy / rich person. (Day 8 B) Describe an artist you admire. Describe a famous person in a foreign country = an international celebrity. ☆ Describe a successful small company. ( ) Describe a job you wish to do in the future./ Describe an interesting j


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