Chemical characterization and source apportionment of PM2.5.pdf

Chemical characterization and source apportionment of PM2.5.pdf

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Chemical characterization and source apportionment of PM2.5

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 7053–7074, 2013 /13/7053/2013/ doi:10.5194/acp-13-7053-2013 ? Author(s) 2013. CC Attribution 3.0 License. EGU Journal Logos (RGB) Advances in Geosciences O pen A ccess Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences O pen A ccess Annales Geophysicae O pen A ccess Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics O pen A ccess Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics O pen A ccess Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics O pen A ccess Discussions Atmospheric Measurement Techniques O pen A ccess Atmospheric Measurement Techniques O pen A ccess Discussions Biogeosciences O pen A ccess O pen A ccess Biogeosciences Discussions Climate of the Past O pen A ccess O pen A ccess Climate of the Past Discussions Earth System Dynamics O pen A ccess O pen A ccess Earth System Dynamics Discussions Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems O pen A ccess Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems O pen A ccess Discussions Geoscientific Model Development O pen A ccess O pen A ccess Geoscientific Model Development Discussions Hydrology and Earth System Sciences O pen A ccess Hydrology and Earth System Sciences O pen A ccess Discussions Ocean Science O pen A ccess O pen A ccess Ocean Science Discussions Solid Earth O pen A ccess O pen A ccess Solid Earth Discussions The Cryosphere O pen A ccess O pen A ccess The Cryosphere Discussions Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences O pen A ccess Discussions Chemical characterization and source apportionment of PM2.5 in Beijing: seasonal perspective R. Zhang 1,* , J. Jing 1,2,* , J. Tao 3,* , S.-C. Hsu 4,* , G. Wang 5 , J. Cao 5 , C. S. L. Lee 6 , L. Zhu 3 , Z. Chen 7 , Y. Zhao 7 , and Z. Shen 8 1 Key Laboratory of Regional Climate-Environment Research for Temperate East Asia, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 2 Meteorological Observation Center of CMA, Beijing, China 3 South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Guangzhou, C


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