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Instantons and monopoles in lattice QCD

a r X i v : h e p - l a t / 9 7 0 2 0 0 6 v 1 6 F e b 1 9 9 7 INSTANTONS AND MONOPOLES IN LATTICE QCD M. FEURSTEIN, H. MARKUM and S. THURNER Institut fu?r Kernphysik, Technische Universita?t Wien Wiedner Hauptstra?e 8-10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria Abstract We analyze the interplay of topological objects in four-dimensional QCD on the lattice. The distributions of color magnetic monopoles in the maximum abelian gauge are computed around instantons in both pure and full QCD. We find an enhanced probability for monopoles inside the core of an instanton on gauge field average. This feature is independent of the topological charge definition used. For specific gauge field config- urations we visualize the situation graphically. Moreover we investigate how monopole loops and instantons are correlated with the chiral con- densate. Strong evidence is found that clusters of the quark condensate and topological objects coexist locally on individual configurations. 1 Introduction and Theory There are two different kinds of topological objects which seem to be impor- tant candidates for the confinement mechanism: color magnetic monopoles and instantons. In lattice calculations we demonstrated that color magnetic monopoles and instantons are correlated on realistic gauge field configurations [1]. Similar phenomena were discussed by other groups on semiclassical config- urations [2]. This might indicate that both confinement mechanisms have the same topological origin and that both approaches can be united. It is believed that instantons and also monopoles can explain chiral symmetry breaking [3, 4]. In this contribution we present first results on the local correlation of the chi- ral condensate ψ?ψ(x), the topological charge density q(x), and the monopole density ρ(x) on single gauge fields. To investigate monopole currents we project SU(N) onto its abelian degrees of freedom, such that an abelian U(1)N?1 theory remains [5]. We employ the so-called maximum abelian gauge being


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