
LinkedIn 与职场社交.pdf

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LinkedIn 与职场社交

The Path to Happy Employment, Contact by Contact on LinkedIn LinkedIn改變職場社交 By ERIC A. TAUB, January 09, 2014 If you’ve ever attended a local business networking breakfast in hopes of making new contacts or finding a new job, you’ll be excused for wondering why you were there. 如果你曾經因為希望結識新人或者找到新工作而去參加過當地的商務人際網路早餐會,要是 你後來奇怪自己到底為什麼會去那裡,那你還有救。 But there are alternatives to chatting with a dentist and a criminal lawyer and a few other people unrelated to your line of work (that is, unless you are a dentist or a lawyer). 但除了和牙醫、刑事律師以及其他一些與你的工作領域無關的人聊天之外,你還有其他選擇。 (除非你本人就是一位牙醫或者律師。) LinkedIn, the networking site for professionals, has become a vast business gathering place. With more than 259 million members in over 200 countries, LinkedIn offers users, most of whom pay nothing for the service, a chance to hone and increase their contacts. Users can also limit their connections to others who can best help them professionally. 職業社交網站 LinkedIn已經成為一個巨大的商務聚集地。在超過 200個國家擁有 2.59億會 員的 LinkedIn向用戶提供磨鍊商業技巧與擴展人脈的機會,而其中絕大多數人都是免費享受 這些服務的。用戶們也可以限制他們與他人之間的聯繫,只接觸能在專業方面最好地幫助到 他們的人。 It is, essentially, the networking breakfast moved into a virtual world, and available virtually to the entire world. 從本質上來說,這就是一個轉移到虛擬世界中的人際關係網路早餐會,而且向全世界開放。 “People need resources to find a job and contribute to their community,” said LinkedIn’s co-founder, Allen Blue. “We want to create an economic opportunity for every professional.” 「人們需要資源來找工作以及回饋社區,」LinkedIn的聯合創始人艾倫·布魯(Allen Blue)說, 「我們想要為每一位職場人士創造一個經濟實惠的機會。」 But that promise won’t mean much if the site is not used correctly. Failing to keep a LinkedIn profile updated, ignoring connection requests or connecting with the wrong people can make the site as pointless as attending that local business breakfast. 但是如果使用這個網站的方法不正確的話,這個承諾並沒有多大意義。沒有保持 LinkedIn個 人資料的更新,忽略加為好友的申請或者與錯誤的人保持聯繫,都能讓這個網站像本地商務 早餐會一樣沒有用。 First, the basics: LinkedIn allows users to create a compelling text-and-multimedia narrative of


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